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friguzzi committed Jun 3, 2016
1 parent 19822b3 commit 7477240
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160 changes: 160 additions & 0 deletions examples/inference/
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Stochastic logic program defining a distribution over simple sentences with number agreement. The sentences are defined using a definite clause grammars.
Recall that in SLPs, the probabilities of all rules with the same head predicate sum to one and define a mutually exclusive choice on how to continue a proof.
Furthermore, repeated choices are independent, i.e., no stochastic memoization
:- use_module(library(mcintyre)).

:- if(current_predicate(use_rendering/1)).
:- use_rendering(c3).
:- endif.
:- mc.
:- begin_lpad.
% a stochastic logic program defining a distribution over simple sentences with number agreement
% recall that in SLPs, the probabilities of all rules with the same head predicate sum to one and define a mutually exclusive choice on how to continue a proof
% furthermore, repeated choices are independent, i.e., no stochastic memoization
% 1.0 : s(List) :-
% s(List,[]).
% 1.0 : s(List,Rest) :-
% np(List,Mid,Number),
% vp(Mid,Rest,Number).
% 0.4 : np(List,Rest,sing) :-
% det(List,Mid,sing),
% n(Mid,Rest,sing).
% 0.4 : np(List,Rest,pl) :-
% n(List,Rest,pl).
% 0.2 : np(List,Rest,pl) :-
% det(List,Mid,pl),
% n(Mid,Rest,pl).
% 1.0 : vp(List,Rest,Num) :-
% v(List,Mid,Num),
% np(Mid,Rest,_).
% 1/3 : det([the|L],L,pl).
% 1/3 : det([the|L],L,sing).
% 1/3 : det([a|L],L,sing).
% 0.25 : n([cat|L],L,sing).
% 0.15 : n([mouse|L],L,sing).
% 0.1 : n([dog|L],L,sing).
% 0.25 : n([cats|L],L,pl).
% 0.15 : n([mice|L],L,pl).
% 0.1 : n([dogs|L],L,pl).
% 0.35 : v([chases|L],L,sing).
% 0.15 : v([sees|L],L,sing).
% 0.2 : v([chase|L],L,pl).
% 0.3 : v([see|L],L,pl).

% use counter-based trial IDs for each head predicate with a stochastic choice, and explicit split rather than difference lists

% s(Num) -> np(Num),vp(Num)
s(W,Num,np(N,NN),det(D,DD),n(M,MM),v(V,VV)) :-

% np(Num) -> 0.4:: det(sg),n(sg) | 0.4:: n(pl) | 0.2::det(pl),n(pl)
np_to(N,sg_dn):0.4; np_to(N,pl_n):0.4; np_to(N,pl_dn):0.2.
np(W,sg,np(N,NN),det(D,DD),n(M,MM),v(V,VV)) :-
NI is N+1,
np(W,pl,np(N,NN),det(D,DD),n(M,MM),v(V,VV)) :-
NI is N+1,
np(W,pl,np(N,NN),det(D,DD),n(M,MM),v(V,VV)) :-
NI is N+1,

% vp(Num) -> v(Num), np(_)
vp(W,Num,np(N,NN),det(D,DD),n(M,MM),v(V,VV)) :-

% det(Num) -> 1/3 the(pl) | 1/3 the(sg) | 1/3 a(sg)
det_to(N,the_pl):1/3; det_to(N,the_sg):1/3; det_to(N,a_sg):1/3.
det([the],pl,np(N,N),det(D,DD),n(M,M),v(V,V)) :-
det_to(D,the_pl), DD is D+1.
det([the],sg,np(N,N),det(D,DD),n(M,M),v(V,V)) :-
det_to(D,the_sg), DD is D+1.
det([a],sg,np(N,N),det(D,DD),n(M,M),v(V,V)) :-
det_to(D,a_sg), DD is D+1.

% n(Num) -> 0.25 cat(sg) | 0.15 mouse(sg) | 0.1 dog(sg) | 0.25 cats(pl) | 0.15 mice(pl) | 0.1 dogs(pl)
n_to(N,cat_sg):0.25; n_to(N, mouse_sg):0.15 ; n_to(N, dog_sg):0.1 ; n_to(N, cats_pl):0.25 ; n_to(N, mice_pl):0.15 ; n_to(N, dogs_pl):0.1.
%n_to(N,cat_sg):0.5; n_to(N, mouse_sg):0.3 ; n_to(N, dog_sg):0.2.
% n_to(N, cats_pl):0.5 ; n_to(N, mice_pl):0.3 ; n_to(N, dogs_pl):0.2.
n([cat],sg,np(N,N),det(D,D),n(M,MM),v(V,V)) :-
n_to(M,cat_sg), MM is M+1.
n([mouse],sg,np(N,N),det(D,D),n(M,MM),v(V,V)) :-
n_to(M,mouse_sg), MM is M+1.
n([dog],sg,np(N,N),det(D,D),n(M,MM),v(V,V)) :-
n_to(M,dog_sg), MM is M+1.
n([cats],pl,np(N,N),det(D,D),n(M,MM),v(V,V)) :-
n_to(M,cats_pl), MM is M+1.
n([mice],pl,np(N,N),det(D,D),n(M,MM),v(V,V)) :-
n_to(M,mice_pl), MM is M+1.
n([dogs],pl,np(N,N),det(D,D),n(M,MM),v(V,V)) :-
n_to(M,dogs_pl), MM is M+1.

% v(Num) -> 0.35 chases(sg) | 0.15 sees(sg) | 0.2 chase(pl) | 0.3 see(pl)
v_to(N, chases_sg):0.35 ; v_to(N, sees_sg):0.15 ; v_to(N, chase_pl):0.2 ; v_to(N, see_pl):0.3.
v([chases],sg,np(N,N),det(D,D),n(M,M),v(V,VV)) :-
v_to(V,chases_sg), VV is V+1.
v([sees],sg,np(N,N),det(D,D),n(M,M),v(V,VV)) :-
v_to(V,sees_sg), VV is V+1.
v([chase],pl,np(N,N),det(D,D),n(M,M),v(V,VV)) :-
v_to(V,chase_pl), VV is V+1.
v([see],pl,np(N,N),det(D,D),n(M,M),v(V,VV)) :-
v_to(V,see_pl), VV is V+1.

% initialize all counters to 0, and leave number open
word(L) :- s(L,_Num,np(0,_),det(0,_),n(0,_),v(0,_)).

% split(+T,-P,-S) splits the list T into two non-empty sublists P(refix) and S(uffix)
% note that T needs to have fixed length for this to terminate
split([A,B|C],[A|D],E) :-

% compute posteriors of correct sentences (or sample a correct sentence)
% we need to fix the length of the list to ensure split/3 has a finite number of solutions

% this grammar can only produce words of length 3/4/5
% the probability of getting a word is 0.067222
is_word :- word([_,_,_]).
is_word :- word([_,_,_,_]).
is_word :- word([_,_,_,_,_]).

:- end_lpad.

/** <examples>
?- mc_mh_sample_arg(word([A,B,C]),word([_,_,_]),10,1,[A,B,C],V).
% take 10 samples of 3 token words given that the lenght of the word is 3
?- mc_mh_sample_arg_bar(word([A,B,C]),word([_,_,_]),10,1,[A,B,C],V).
% take 10 samples of 3 token words given that the lenght of the word is 3
% and draw a bar chart of the results
?- mc_mh_sample_arg(query(X),is_word,10,1,X,V).
% take 10 samples of 3, 4 or 5 token words given that the lenght of the word is
% 3, 5 or 5

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