Kallisto a web framework based on Julien Schmidts httprouter package and inspired by martini, revel and gin.
It was written for a university project and is not (and probably never will be) ready for use in production environments.
[Documentation] (https://godoc.org/github.com/swengorschewski/kallisto)
package main
import "gitlab.com/swen/kallisto"
func main() {
// create a kallisto mux
k := kallisto.New()
// register a route for a HTTP GET request
// the first parameter represents the request url,
// the second parameter is an internal name for the route,
// and the last parameter is a controller function that will be called
// if a request for this route comes in.
k.GET("/", "index", func(ctx *kallisto.Context, res *kallisto.Response) {
res.Text("Hello world!")
// starts a webserver listening for requests to localhost on port 8080