A simple E-Commerce application demonstrating .NET Capabilities with Clean code architecture
This repository has a workflow run that publishes to Docker Hub supporting windows and Linux Container;
You can use the following CLI commands to pull the Docker Containers:
# Pull Image 'BET E-Commerce API':
docker pull swagfin/betcommerceapi
# Pull Image 'BET E-Commerce Web Client':
docker pull swagfin/betcommercewebclient
- Open project BETCommerce/BETCommerce.sln
- Database
- The Entity Framework will Automatically generate a database migration for you (save the hussle)
- Web Api & Server Application
- Right click solution and set startup projects to BetCommerce.API and BetCommerce.WebClient
- Build and Run Project through Visual Studio/Terminal
- To Access API - https://localhost:5001/swagger/index.html
- To Access WebClient - https://localhost:6001/
- There may be demo data products and categories to interact with
- Email Templates Customization
- You can customize the Email Templates that are sent to users e.g. Email Verificatio,Reset etc
- Navigate to the Folder inside BetCommerce.API/EmailTemplates and find all supported list of templates
- You can view samples of all Default Email Templates
This application is still under development and may not be production ready but if you find a bug (the website couldn't handle the query and / or gave undesired results), kindly open an issue here by including your search query and the expected result. If you'd like to request a new function, feel free to do so by opening an issue here. Please include sample queries and their corresponding results.
There is some few features in Milestone;
- Admin/Superuser Portal for performing crud operations.
- Completing Multi-Timezone Support.
This project's license is in review.
George Wainaina [email protected]