Newest Version: 1.3.6
- 1.0.3 First public version
- 1.1.0 Supporting now Trusted Device Agent and new Dell Display Manager for download by
- 1.1.1 Correction Function function Download-Dell unplaned delete of folders if delete older folders is enabled.
- 1.1.2 Correction failure if no Temp folder is exist
- 1.2.0 Updating Download function Dell-Download
- 1.3.1 Move to selenius browser automation for download of Trusted Device / Display Manager 2.x migrate single Var´s to Arrays integrate Dell Display Manager 1.x download
- 1.3.2 Upddate function Get-Online and change indentify app by xPath to findelement.
- 1.3.3 Add Dell Peripheral Manager to download options.
- 1.3.4 Update Trusted Device download from old .ZIP to new.EXE for new Package Format.
- 1.3.5 Update function Create-Browser
- 1.3.6 Dell website using wrong format for version of Display Manager 2x. filter and correct this informations now if needed
- set as trusted domain to download software (oterwise Trusted Device, Display Manager and Peripheral Manager are blocked in worst case by Defender Smartscreen or other solutions)
This tool is for downloading Dell Tools and generating a Software Repository which could be later used for software packaging or other installation processes. I have written this script to maintaining my Testlab´s for VMware Workspace One and Microsoft Intune. My further ideas is to using API´s of Workspace One and Microsoft Endpoint Manager to upload these Applications directly to theses console´s. The most Applications will be maintained by the Dell SCCM Update Catalog, the following Applications are not included in this catalog Dell Trusted Device Agent, Dell Display Manager 1.x and Dell Display Manager 2.x. These Application will be maintain in a experimental project based on web automation by selenium. The selenium automation is tested with Microsoft Edge.
- Dell Command | Monitor
- Dell Command | Configure
- Dell Command | Update 32/64 Bit
- Dell Command | Update Universal Application
- Dell Digital Delivery
- Dell Optimizer
- Dell Power Manager
- Dell PremierColor
- Dell Rugged Control Center
- Dell Trusted Device
- Dell Display Manager 1.x and 2.x
- Dell Peripheral Manager
Legal disclaimer: THE INFORMATION IN THIS PUBLICATION IS PROVIDED 'AS-IS.' DELL MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PUBLICATION, AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. In no event shall Dell Technologies, its affiliates or suppliers, be liable for any damages whatsoever arising from or related to the information contained herein or actions that you decide to take based thereon, including any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, loss of business profits or special damages, even if Dell Technologies, its affiliates or suppliers have been advised of the possibility of such damages.
This script will be used for testing modifications that could have impact of running without issues.
- Dell SCCM (System Center Configuration Mgr) Update Catalog (
- Dell Display Manager 1.x Website (
- Dell Trusted Device Agent / Dell Display Manager 2.x Website (
Please refer to for more details about update cadence of the catalog used.
- Select download by App
- Oldest Version for download (if you want to download older versions as well)
- Automatic deletion of older Apps (if app version is older than wanted)
This script generates and maintains a Software Repository. The folder structure is:
- Main folder (Repository Path)
- 1st Subfolder (Application Name)
- 2nd Subfolder (Application Version)
Each 2nd Subfolder includes
- DUP Package (Dell Update Package), Installer .exe or MSI
- Install.xml with install parameters for later automations
You can make a decision which application you want to maintain and what should be the oldest version you want to store on disk.
**Enable or Disable applications for download / set Download Subfolder and define oldest Version to store ** Line 68 -79
Note works only if Application is NOT .PublicationsState "Expired" in the catalog
This applications using a broswer automation for downloading the installer files (tested with Edpe only)
The script is logging to Temp Folder. The logging file will show the following informations:
- Start Time
- Catalog download (false or true)
- Environment (Path (exist/create, Filename)
- Applications available (download, exist, outdate/no download, outdate/exist, deleted)
The file named download_log_YYYYMMDD.XML
For troubleshooting the old catalog file DellSDPCatalogPC.xml will be stored in a Archiving folder (in Software Repository Folder) if a new catalog is downloaded.
The file named YYYYMMDDDellSdpCatalogPC.XML
If you find issues please let me know. Thx :-)