This bundle takes the information from and wraps it in an installable bundle.
It alerts developers to pages where the length of the title or description outside a defined range.
composer config allow-plugins.survos/installer true
composer req survos/seo-bundle --dev
# config/packages/survos_seo.yaml
# branding will be added if the title is short enough. So a title of "Welcome" becomes "MyBrand Welcome"
branding: ''
minTitleLength: 30
maxTitleLength: 150
minDescriptionLength: 10
maxDescriptionLength: 255
composer config repositories.survos_seo '{"type": "path", "url": "/home/tac/g/sites/survos/packages/seo-bundle"}'
composer config allow-plugins.survos/installer true
composer require survos/seo-bundle:*@dev