A Symfony bundle to interact with The Guardian API via the The-Guardian-API library.
Still under development, feedback welcome!
symfony new the-guardian-demo --webapp && cd the-guardian-demo
composer require survos/the-guardian-bundle
composer config repositories.survos_guardian_bundle '{"type": "path", "url": "../survos/packages/the-guardian-bundle"}' composer req survos/the-guardian-bundle:"*@dev"
Go to https://theGuardian.com and get a key.
Create a new Symfony project.
symfony new the-guardian-demo --webapp && cd the-guardian-demo
composer require survos/the-guardian-bundle
bin/console the-guardian:list
You can browse interactively with the basic admin controller.
composer require survos/simple-datatables-bundle
symfony server:start -d
symfony open:local --path=/the-guardian/
Or edit .env.local and add your API key.
bin/console the-guardian:list
+------------- museado/ -----+--------+
| ObjectName | Path | Length |
| photos finales | /museado/ | 0 |