The SurvosLocationBundle uses the data from to create a Nested Tree with location data.
composer req survos/location-bundle
Features include:
- ...
The source of the documentation is stored in the Resources/doc/
in this bundle:
All the installation instructions are located in the documentation.
composer config minimum-stability dev composer config prefer-stable true
composer config repositories.survos_location_bundle '{"type": "vcs", "url": "[email protected]:survos/LocationBundle.git"}' composer req survos/location-bundle:"*@dev"
This bundle is under the MIT license. See the complete license in the bundle
LocationBundle is a survos initiative. See also the list of contributors.
Issues and feature requests are tracked in the Github issue tracker.
When reporting a bug, it may be a good idea to reproduce it in a basic project built using the Symfony Standard Edition to allow developers of the bundle to reproduce the issue by simply cloning it and following some steps.