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Learning Security Classifiers with Verified Global Robustness Properties (CCS'21)

Yizheng Chen, Shiqi Wang, Yue Qin, Xiaojing Liao, Suman Jana, and David Wagner.


Corrects error in the proceeding version:


Dataset Training set size Test set size Validation set size # of features
Cryptojacking [Kharraz et al.] 2,800 1,200 Train set 7
Twitter Spam Accounts [Lee et al.] 36,000 4,000 Train set 15
Twitter Spam URLs [Kwon et al.] 295,870 63,401 63,401 25

We evaluated over three datasets under the data/ directory. The Twitter Spam Accunts dataset is named as social_honeypot.*, and the Twitter Spam URLs dataset is named as unnormalized_twitter_spam.*. The zip files need to be unzipped under the data/ directory.

The first field of each dataset is the label, where 1 means malicious and 0 means benign. From the second field, the names of the fields are available in the ${dataset_name}_header.csv files.


  • We recommend using a virtualenv to install this
  • After activating your virtualenv, install the required packages pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Clone the cln_tutorial repo, and install in the virtualenv python build; python install
  • Obtain an academic license from Gurobi

Train the Models


Train a Cryptojacking classifier with all five properties:

model='cryptojacker_all'; \
time python \
--train data/cryptojacker.train.csv \
--test data/cryptojacker.test.csv \
--validation data/cryptojacker.train.csv \
--nlabels 2 --nfeat 7 \
--intfeat data/cryptojacker_integer_indices.json -z \
--save_model_path models/cln_models/${model}.pth \
--init -e 300 --header data/cryptojacker_header.csv \
--size 1 --add tree --num_boost_round 4 --max_depth 4 \
--robust \
--monotonicity "[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]" \
--monotonicity_dir "[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]" \
--stability "[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]" --stability_th 0.1 \
--lowcost "{2:(None, None)}" --lowcost_th 0.98 \
--eps 0.2 --C 0.5 \
--featmax data/cryptojacker_featstd.csv \
>! log/${model}.log 2>&1&

If you'd like to train one property, or a subset of properties, change the parameters after --robust accordingly.

Twitter spam account

We use --scale_pos_weight 0.2 --loss_weight options to train all models for the social honeypot dataset, in order to get a low false positive rate. Monotonicity and stability properties can use --subprop, because they are compositional, but other properties cannot.

Train a Twitter spam account classifier with monotonicity:

model="social_honeypot_monotonicity"; \
time python \
--train data/social_honeypot.train.csv \
--test data/social_honeypot.test.csv \
--validation data/social_honeypot.train.csv \
--nlabels 2 --nfeat 15 \
--intfeat data/social_honeypot_integer_indices.json \
-z --save_model_path data/cln_models/${model}.pth \
--init --min_atoms 1 --max_atoms 1 -e 500 \
--header data/social_honeypot_header.csv \
--size 1024 --add tree \
--num_boost_round 10 --max_depth 5 \
--robust --monotonicity "[2,4,0,3,10,11]" \
--monotonicity_dir "[-1,-1,1,1,1,1]" \
--subprop \
--scale_pos_weight 0.2 --loss_weight \
> log/${model}.log 2>&1&

Tain a Twitter spam account classifier with four properties, starting from a model structure trained using features unrelated to any property:

model="social_honeypot_all"; \
time python \
-train data/social_honeypot.train.csv \
--test data/social_honeypot.test.csv \
--validation data/social_honeypot.train.csv \
--nlabels 2 --nfeat 15 \
--intfeat data/social_honeypot_integer_indices.json -z \
--structure models/cln_models/social_honeypot_all_nt4d5_w0.2_ex11.json \
--save_model_path models/cln_models/${model}.pth \
--init --min_atoms 1 --max_atoms 1 -e 100000 \
--header data/social_honeypot_header.csv \
--size 1024 --add tree --num_boost_round 7 --max_depth 5 \
--robust \
--monotonicity "[2,4,0,3,10,11]" \
--monotonicity_dir "[-1,-1,1,1,1,1]" \
--stability "[0, 1, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]" \
--stability_th 8 \
--redundancy "[{0:(5, None), 1:(None, None)}, {8:(None, None), 9:(None, None)}, {10:(None, None), 11:(None, None)}, {12:(None, None), 13:(None, None)}]" \
--lowcost_th 0.98 \
--scale_pos_weight 0.2 --loss_weight \
>! log/${model}.log 2>&1&

See for how to train a starting model using a subset of features.

Twitter spam URL

Train a Twitter spam URL classifier with monotonicity:

model='twitter_spam_monotonicity'; \
time python \
--train data/unnormalized_twitter_spam.train.csv \
--test data/unnormalized_twitter_spam.test.csv \
--validation data/unnormalized_twitter_spam.validation.csv \
--nlabels 2 --nfeat 25 \
--intfeat data/unnormalized_twitter_spam_integer_indices.csv \
-z --save_model_path models/cln_models/${model}.pth \
--init --min_atoms 1 --max_atoms 1 -e 100 \
--header data/unnormalized_twitter_spam_header.csv \
--size 1024 --add tree \
--num_boost_round 10 --max_depth 5 \
--robust \
--monotonicity "[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]" \
--monotonicity_dir "[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]" \
--subprop \
>! log/${model}.log 2>&1&


model='twitter_spam_stability'; \
time python \
--train data/unnormalized_twitter_spam.train.csv \
--test data/unnormalized_twitter_spam.test.csv \
--validation data/unnormalized_twitter_spam.validation.csv \
--nlabels 2 --nfeat 25 \
--intfeat data/unnormalized_twitter_spam_integer_indices.csv \
-z --save_model_path models/cln_models/${model}.pth \
--init --min_atoms 1 --max_atoms 1 -e 300 \
--header data/unnormalized_twitter_spam_header.csv \
--size 1024 --add tree \
--num_boost_round 10 --max_depth 5 \
--robust --stability "[21, 22, 23, 24]" \
--stability_th 8 \
--subprop \
>! log/${model}.log 2>&1&

high confidence, starting from a model with two trees, using only high cost features:

model='twitter_spam_lowcost'; \
time python \
--train data/unnormalized_twitter_spam.train.csv \
--test data/unnormalized_twitter_spam.test.csv \
--validation data/unnormalized_twitter_spam.validation.csv
--nlabels 2 --nfeat 25 \
--intfeat data/unnormalized_twitter_spam_integer_indices.csv \
-z --structure models/cln_models/twitter_spam_nt2d5_nolowcost_ex4.json \
--save_model_path models/cln_models/${model}.pth \
--init --min_atoms 1 --max_atoms 1 -e 500 \
--header data/unnormalized_twitter_spam_header.csv \
--size 1024 --add tree \
--num_boost_round 8 --max_depth 5 \
--robust \
--lowcost "{21:(None, None), 22:(None, None), 23:(None, None), 24:(None, None)}" \
--lowcost_th 0.98 \
>! log/${model}.log 2>&1&

small neighborhood:

model='twitter_spam_smallneighborhood'; \
time python \
--train data/unnormalized_twitter_spam.train.csv \
--test data/unnormalized_twitter_spam.test.csv \
--validation data/unnormalized_twitter_spam.validation.csv \
--nlabels 2 --nfeat 25 \
--intfeat data/unnormalized_twitter_spam_integer_indices.csv \
-z --save_model_path models/cln_models/${model}.pth \
--init --min_atoms 1 --max_atoms 1 -e 100000 \
--header data/unnormalized_twitter_spam_header.csv \
--size 1024 --add tree \
--num_boost_round 10 --max_depth 5 \
--robust \
--eps 1.5 --C 10 \
--featmax data/unnormalized_twitter_spam_featstd.csv \
> log/${model}.log 2>&1&

Pre-trained Models

Unzip the under the models/ directory. The models trained with one property is named with the property. cryptojacker_all is trained with five properties. social_honeypot_all is trained with four properties.

Verify the Global Properties

If the model satisfies a property, the Gurobi solver returns the infeasible result. Otherwise, we output a counterexample. You can change model= to any model trained from the dataset.

If the Gurobi solver times out, it is likely that it takes a long time to get the infeasible result, i.e., the model satisfies the specified property. Then, add --no_timeout option.

Example Usage for Monotonicity Property


model='cryptojacker_monotonicity'; \
time python \
--model_type cln \
--model_path models/cln_models/${model}.pth \
--intfeat data/cryptojacker_integer_indices.json \
--default_lo 0 --nfeat 7 --nlabels 2 \
--int_var --no_timeout \
--monotonicity "[0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7]" \
--monotonicity_dir "[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]"

Twitter spam account

model='social_honeypot_monotonicity'; \
time python \
--model_type cln \
--model_path models/cln_models/${model}.pth \
--intfeat data/social_honeypot_integer_indices.json \
--default_lo 0 --nfeat 15 --nlabels 2 \
--int_var --no_timeout \
--monotonicity "[2,4,0,3,10,11]" \
--monotonicity_dir "[-1,-1,1,1,1,1]"

Twitter spam URL

model='twitter_spam_monotonicity'; \
time python \
--model_type cln \
--model_path models/cln_models/${model}.pth \
--intfeat data/unnormalized_twitter_spam_integer_indices.csv \
--default_lo 0 --nfeat 25 --nlabels 2 \
--int_var --no_timeout \
--monotonicity '[0,1,2,3,4,5,6]' \
--monotonicity_dir '[1,1,1,1,1,1,1]'

Example Usage for Stability Property


model='cryptojacker_stability'; \
time python \
--model_type cln \
--model_path models/cln_models/${model}.pth \
--intfeat data/cryptojacker_integer_indices.json \
--default_lo 0 \
--stability "[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]" \
--stability_th 0.1 \
--nfeat 7 --nlabels 2 \
--int_var --no_timeout

Twitter spam account

model='social_honeypot_stability'; \
time python \
--model_type cln \
--model_path models/cln_models/${model}.pth \
--intfeat data/social_honeypot_integer_indices.json \
--default_lo 0 \
--stability "[8, 9, 0, 1, 10, 11, 12, 13]" \
--stability_th 8 \
--nfeat 15 --nlabels 2

Twitter spam URL

model='twitter_spam_stability'; \
time python \
--model_type cln \
--model_path models/cln_models/${model}.pth \
--intfeat data/social_honeypot_integer_indices.json \
--default_lo 0 --nfeat 25 --nlabels 2 \
--int_var --no_timeout \
--stability "[21, 22, 23, 24]" \
--stability_th 8

Example Usage for High Confidence Property


model='cryptojacker_highconfidence'; \
time python \
--model_type cln \
--model_path models/cln_models/${model}.pth \
--intfeat data/cryptojacker_integer_indices.json \
--default_lo 0 --nfeat 7 --nlabels 2 \
--int_var --no_timeout \
--lowcost "{2:(None, None)}" \
--lowcost_th 0.98

Twitter spam account

model='social_honeypot_highconfidence'; \
time python \
--model_type cln \
--model_path models/cln_models/${model}.pth \
--intfeat data/social_honeypot_integer_indices.json \
--default_lo 0 \
--lowcost "{0:(5, None), 1:(None, None), 8:(None, None), 9:(None, None), 10:(None, None), 11:(None, None), 12:(None, None), 13:(None, None)}" \
--lowcost_th 0.98 --nfeat 15 --nlabels 2 \
--int_var --no_timeout

Twitter spam URL

model='twitter_spam_highconfidence'; \
time python \
--model_type cln \
--model_path models/cln_models/${model}.pth \
--intfeat data/social_honeypot_integer_indices.json \
--default_lo 0 --nfeat 25 --nlabels 2 \
--int_var --no_timeout \
--lowcost "{21:(None, None), 22:(None, None), 23:(None, None), 24:(None, None)}" \
--lowcost_th 0.98

Example Usage for Redundancy Property

Twitter spam account

model='social_honeypot_redundancy'; \
time python \
--model_type cln \
--model_path models/cln_models/${model}.pth \
--intfeat data/social_honeypot_integer_indices.json \
--default_lo 0 \
--redundancy "[{0:(6, None), 1:(None, None)}, {8:(None, None), 9:(None, None)}, {10:(None, None), 11:(None, None)}, {12:(None, None), 13:(None, None)}]" \
--lowcost_th 0.98 --nfeat 15 --nlabels 2 \
--int_var --no_timeout

Example Usage for Small Neighborhood Property


model='cryptojacker_highconfidence'; \
time python \
--model_type cln \
--model_path models/cln_models/${model}.pth \
--intfeat data/cryptojacker_integer_indices.json \
--default_lo 0 --nfeat 7 --nlabels 2 \
--int_var --no_timeout \
--eps 0.2 --C 0.5 \
--featmax data/cryptojacker_featstd.csv

Twitter spam account

model='social_honeypot_smallneighborhood'; \
time python \
--model_type cln \
--model_path models/cln_models/${model}.pth \
--intfeat data/social_honeypot_integer_indices.json \
--default_lo 0 --nfeat 15 --nlabels 2 \
--int_var --no_timeout \
--eps 0.1 --C 50 \
--featmax data/social_honeypot_featstd.csv

Twitter spam URL

model='twitter_spam_smallneighborhood'; \
time python \
--model_type cln \
--model_path models/cln_models/${model}.pth \
--intfeat data/unnormalized_twitter_spam_integer_indices.csv \
--default_lo 0 --nfeat 25 --nlabels 2 \
--int_var --no_timeout \
--eps 1.5 --C 10 \
--featmax data/unnormalized_twitter_spam_featstd.csv


Learning Security Classifiers with Verified Global Robustness Properties (CCS'21)






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