ESP32-D0WDQ6-V3 @ 240 MHz dual core, 600 DMIPS, 520 KB SRAM
Technology: ePaper / eInk 16 gray levels (8 bits)
Diagonal: 4.7 “
Resolution: 540 x 960 pixels
Display driver: not specified, probably ED097OC4
Touch driver: type unknown, seems to be present on the board under Touch. Uses pins 13, 14, 15.
Connector designed to make the T5 tactile later in order to offer an economical product at launch.
Wi-Fi with 3D antenna (ESP32)
Dual mode Bluetooth (ESP32)
Memory and storage
16 MB flash memory
Micro SD card reader: none
RTC clock: none
x1 USB-C connector
Input voltage: 5V @ 500mA
Version 1: Holder for high capacity 18650 battery (not included)
Version 2: connector for LiPO PH 2.0 battery (not supplied)
Weight, dimensions, operation
Weight: not specified
Size: unspecified
USB to TTL: CP2104
Physical buttons
x4 user. GPIO0, GPIO34, GPIO35, GPIO39
x1 reset button
Exposed ESP32 pins: G25, G32, G26, G33, G18, G19
Diagram: not yet available, you will have to be satisfied with the advertising diagram below