A Continuous Integration Server Monitor made it over an Arduino board
At this moment this only works with Cruise Control servers
Install the ruby gem
gem install arduino_build_notifier
Wire your Arduino (Picks later)
- Success led: pin 13
- Failure led: pin 12
- Building led: pin 11
- Error led: pin 10
Plug the Arduino board to the computer
If you don't have your arduino ready to work with ruby, follow the dino gem instructions
run the command ard-notifier
Usage: ard-notifier --server 'http://...' --project foo --user foo --password bar -s, --server SERVER CI server URL -j, --project PROJECT Project name -u, --user USER CI server username -p, --password PASS CI server password -t, --time [TIME] Request frequency (secs) -h, --help Show this message