Visualize how different events overlap with each other in comparison with their Capacity, using Highcharts. Make sure you checkout the screenshots of the application.
Eventbrite is a wonderful platform where people can find and create their favorite events.
This application helps users to see overlapping events so that they can plan better and optimize their schedule so that users can attend maximum number of events!! This application also provides event capacity information.
Future Scope
of this application would be to display vacant capacity of the events to the visualization and add location parameter to the filters, so that users can make even better decisions.
Install Ruby >= v2.2.1
Install Rails >= 4.2
Run the rails app on a server ('rails s' command starts local Webrick server)
Type 'http://localhost:3000' in your browser for the home page of local server.
- Highchart's Highstock
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
- Eventbrite Ruby gem
- Underscore
- Select2
Pull code from github.
- Fork it!
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-visualization
- Commit your changes:
git commit -am 'Added some visualization'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin my-new-visualization
- Submit a pull request :D
Tanmay Patil
Copyright 2016 Tanmay Patil
mailto: [email protected]
@version Feb 01, 2016