Simple JDBC powered generic SQL client for Android
- PostgreSQL
Tested with PostgreSQL
E.g., not using this app, use ssh + cli
bitcoin=# \d users_102202 Table "public.users_102202" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default ------------+-----------------------------+-----------+----------+--------- id | integer | | not null | reputation | integer | | not null | creation | timestamp without time zone | | not null | name | text | | | lastaccess | timestamp without time zone | | | website | text | | | location | text | | | aboutme | text | | | views | integer | | | upvotes | integer | | | downvotes | integer | | | age | integer | | | Indexes: "users_id_key_102202" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (id) bitcoin=# select id,name,views,age from public.users_102202 limit 10; id | name | views | age -----+----------------------+-------+----- 31 | Rebecca Chernoff | 1 | 34 88 | Phonics The Hedgehog | 74 | 119 | Domchi | 20 | 39 137 | Crispy | 597 | 145 | osmosis | 127 | 155 | user155 | 0 | 255 | Gabriel | 5 | 283 | Dmitry Vyal | 0 | 291 | jamie | 3 | 311 | André Paramés | 1 | (10 rows) bitcoin=# \q supaplex@compute202:~$ psql -U postgres -h compute202 bitcoin