Generates timesheet reports from Jira in csv, html, stdout and markdown.
Download a release from releases page for your operating system.
Create a personal access token inside Jira (
jira-timesheet --token <your-personal-access-token> --url https://<your-jira-instance> --user <jira-account-name>
To save your configuration run the executable with save
flag. Your PAT, username and jira url settings will be saved into a configuration file and you won't have to supply them again:
jira-timesheet --token <your-personal-access-token> --url https://<your-jira-instance> --user <jira-account-name> --save
jira-timesheet --token <your-personal-access-token> --url https://<your-jira-instance> --user <jira-account-name> --month 1 --year 2000
jira-timesheet --token <your-personal-access-token> --url https://<your-jira-instance> --user <jira-account-name> --render csv
jira-timesheet --token <your-personal-access-token> --url https://<your-jira-instance> --user <jira-account-name> --render html
jira-timesheet --token <your-personal-access-token> --url https://<your-jira-instance> --user <jira-account-name> --render markdown
jira-timesheet is a tool to view and export work log from Jira
jira-timesheet [flags]
jira-timesheet [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
version Print the version number of jira-timesheet
--api string Jira REST API version to use (default "2")
-c, --comments print comments from worklog
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.jira-timesheet.yaml)
-h, --help help for jira-timesheet
--month int Month of the year for which to generate timesheet (default is current month)
-r, --render string how to render the output of timesheet (terminal/csv/html/markdown) (default "terminal")
-s, --save saves the configuration into file
-t, --token string personal access token from Jira
--url string url to your Jira instance
-u, --user string jira username
--year int Year for which to generate timesheet (default is current year, has to be used with --month)
Use "jira-timesheet [command] --help" for more information about a command.