Quadrotor Self-Flight using Depth image
It is a capstone project for undergraduate course. It did work when I tried, but there were many trial and errors. I'm sorry that I didn't consider any reproducibility (e.g. random seed).
Execute the environment first. If you can see the rendered simulation, then run what you want to try (e.g. python td3_per.py)
Unreal Engine 4
- Original environment
- Vertical column
- Horizontal column
- Window
- Vertical curved wall
- Different Order of obstacles environment
- Window
- Horizontal column
- Vertical curved wall
- Vertical column
- Different type of obstacles environment
- Horizontal curved wall
- Reversed ㄷ shape
- ㄷ shape
- Diagonal column
- Timescale: 0.5 (Unit time for each step)
- Clockspeed: 1.0 (Default)
- Goals: [7, 17, 27.5, 45, 57]
- Start position: (0, 0, 1.2)
Respawn at the start position, and then take off and hover.
It takes about 1 sec.
Given action as 3 real value, process moveByVelocity() for 0.5 sec.
For delay caused by computing network, pause Simulation after 0.5 sec.
If a collision occurs, including landing, it would be dead. If x coordinate value is smaller than -0.5, it would be dead. If it gets to the final goal, the episode would be done.
- Depth images from front camera (144 * 256 or 72 * 128)
- (Optional) Linear velocity of quadrotor (x, y, z)
Discrete Action Space (Action size = 7)
Using interpret_action(), choose +/-1 along one axis among x, y, z or hovering. -
Continuous Action Space (Actions size = 3)
3 real values for each axis. I decided the scale as 1.5 and gave a bonus for y axis +0.5.
- Dead: -2.0
- Goal: 2.0 * (1 + level / # of total levels)
- Too slow(Speed < 0.2): -0.05
- Otherwise: 0.1 * linear velocity along y axis
(e.g. The faster go forward, The more reward is given. The faster go backward, The more penalty is given.)
- Recurrent DQN
- Recurrent A2C
- Recurrent DDPG
- Recurrent DDPG + PER
- Recurrent TD3 + PER (BEST)