- Automatically authentication routers generation.
- Local user register/login (email + password).
- Social authentication (Google, Facebook, Twitter, Github, etc.).
- JWT authentication.
- POST /login
- POST /register
- GET /confirm
- POST /forgot-password
- GET /forgot-password
- POST /change-password
- GET /logout
- POST /refresh
- GET /me
- GET /social/sign-in/:provider
- GET /social/sign-in/:provider/callback
import { AuthModule } from '@tech-standard-nest-auth';
imports: [
authKey: 'auth_key_with_32_bytes_randomly_',
typeormUserEntity: UserEntity,
export class AppModule { }
Check the examples
export interface AuthModuleOptions {
authKey: string; // must be at least 32 characters
typeormUserEntity?: EntityTarget // from typeorm;
imports?: NestModule[]; // from nest
userService?: typeof UserAuthServiceType;
config?: AuthModuleConfig;
// Strategy from @types/passport
export interface AuthModuleConfig {
disableRouter?: boolean;
enableRefreshTokenRotation?: boolean;
passwordHashSecret?: string;
passportStrategies?: Strategy[];
jwt?: JwtOptions;
recovery?: {
tokenExpiresIn?: number; //seconds
tokenSecret?: string; // must be at least 32 characters
// JwtModuleOptions and JwtSignOptions from @nestjs/jwt
export interface JwtOptions extends JwtModuleOptions {
jwtFromRequest?: () => JwtFromRequestFunction;
refresh?: JwtSignOptions;
- Base module with local strategy.
- Refresh token.
- Custom hash password function.
- Avaibility to use custom user controller.
- Add more authentication providers (Google, Facebook, Twitter, Github, etc.)
- Add more features (Forgot password, Reset password, etc.)
- Session authentication.
- Customizable routers.