A comprehensive demo of python package development.
- python version control, pyenv
- project coding style consistency, editorconfig
- docstring styling, google docstring style
- docstring test, doctest
- test framework, pytest
- advanced test, mock
- test coverage, pytest-cov
- distribute package to private pypi, devpi
├── .editorconfig
├── README.md
├── setup.py
├── tests
│ └── test_add.py
├── tox.ini
└── yamath.py
- .editorconfig, coding style configuration
- yamath.py is our module to be distributed
- setup.py declare the infomation of our package
- MANIFEST.in tell setup.py to distribute more files
- tox.ini controls multiple python version and how we test our package
- any file under tests start with
will be found bypy.test