This is a simple PHP wrapper for the Vtiger API. It is currently incomplete.
You can find the Vtiger website here
- Features
The features we support are incomplete. It should be easy to add new ones, and if you do, please send a pull request!
- We're using Buzz as http client, but due to our OOP architecture, you can easily change that.
- If your session times out, a new one is created automatically (no worries anymore!)
- Setup
Please use composer to autoload the Vtiger api wrapper! Other methods are not encouraged by me.
"repositories": [
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"require": {
"sumocoders/vtiger-api": "master"
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
// Create an adapter, the Buzz adapter is the default but you can create one yourself if you'd like
$adapter = new SumoCoders\Vtiger\Adapter\BuzzAdapter();
// Create a Vtiger instance, using the adapter, and your vtiger data
$vtiger = new SumoCoders\Vtiger\Vtiger(
- Usage
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
// Create an adapter, the Buzz adapter is the default but you can create one yourself if you'd like
$adapter = new SumoCoders\Vtiger\Adapter\BuzzAdapter();
// Create a Vtiger instance, using the adapter, and your vtiger data
$vtiger = new SumoCoders\Vtiger\Vtiger(
// Create a user on the Vtiger CRM
$response = $vtiger->create(
'firstname' => 'Sumo',
'lastname' => 'Coders',
'email' => '[email protected]',