A sample pizza ordering system
- Git clone the project
- move to project root folder and run 'gradle build'
- if you dont have gradle there will be a sample jar named pizzahaven-1.0.jar under 'build>libs'
- move to the folder containing the jar pizzahaven and run the following command.
- java -cp pizzahaven-1.0.jar com.pizzahaven.application.WelcomeToPizzaHaven
- You will be able to see something like below
Welcome to pizza haven.
Please select size, base, sauce , toppings, cheese in the order aforementioned
You can input your selection in format Small|Normal|Margarita|Paneer,Onion,Jalapeno|Mozzarella,Double and press enter to complete an order.
Add new order?(y/n) [Press d after order done]