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Permalink v2 (#541)
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* clean slate for v2

* Add .nvmrc file

A new .nvmrc file was created to specify the node version for the application. This version is set to v21.x, facilitating a more predictable development environment for all team members.

* Add package.json and pnpm-lock.yaml

This commit introduces a package.json file for the project. Additionally, a pnpm-lock.yaml file has been added for improved dependency management. These files are expected to help manage the project's dependencies and settings better.

* Add .gitignore, README and Turbo repo setup

This commit introduces a .gitignore file, a comprehensive README and establishes a Turbo monorepo setup. Scripts for build, development, and linting have been defined in the `package.json`. Also, the required dependencies for Turbo along with a `pnpm-workspace.yaml` for managing multiple packages.

* Add Biome configuration and update package.json

This commit includes the addition of the Biome configuration file (biome.xml and biome.json) to set the Biome settings for the project. A new script "format" has been added to package.json, and Biome has been added to the project dependencies. The package lock file has been updated to include the new Biome dependency.

* introduce UI package

* introduce ui development playground

This commit includes several updates to package.json files and configuration files of the project. The scripts have been updated, the module paths and target in packages/ui/tsconfig.json and packages/ui/package.json have been modified. Also, the devDependencies have been updated in pnpm-lock.yaml.

* Update TypeScript configurations for docs and UI packages

The TypeScript configurations of both the 'docs' and 'UI' packages have been updated to extend '@tsconfig/vite-react' and '@tsconfig/strictest'. Furthermore, these new dependencies have also been added in their respective package.json files, and reflected in the 'pnpm-lock.yaml' file. This change simplifies and standardizes the TypeScript configuration across packages.

* Add new Remix web application and update dependencies

This commit contains the creation of a new web application using Remix. It entails the setup of several configurations like eslint, vite, typescript, and others. Additionally, it adds files like `.gitignore`, ``, and modifies the `pnpm-lock.yaml` to update dependencies. This commit will serve as the foundation for the web application development.

* Refactor TypeScript configurations to use common one

A common TypeScript configuration "@suddenly-giovanni/config-typescript" has been introduced. This removes the need for repeating TypeScript configuration in each package, making code cleaner and maintenance easier. The configuration changes are reflected across all apps and packages.

* Configure Biome.js

The `biome.json` configuration has been refactored and moved into multiple json files within the `config-biome` package. Code style and formatting rules are now more modular, allowing specific rules to be applied per package based on their function. Additionally, the `@suddenly-giovanni/config-biome` dependency has been added to the `ui` package.

* Update turbo version from 1.12.2 to 1.12.3

This commit updates the turbo package in both package.json and pnpm-lock files. The newer version contains important bug fixes and performance improvements across all platforms.

* Add Prettier and Tailwind CSS plugins to devDependencies

The codebase has been updated to include the Prettier and Tailwind CSS plugins in the devDependencies. This should aid in development by providing additional tools and functionality. Additionally, changes have been made in the lock file to reflect the updates.

* Implement Tailwind CSS configuration

The commit introduces Tailwind CSS into the project along with required dependencies such as autoprefixer and postcss. Necessary files for Tailwind configuration like 'tailwind.config.ts' and 'postcss.config.mjs' are added. Changes also include the import of the Tailwind CSS in 'root.tsx' and the addition of skipLibCheck and reordering in 'tsconfig.json'.
The local Tailwind CSS file has been removed and replaced with a CSS file in the '@suddenly-giovanni/ui' package. The 'tailwind.config.ts' file in the UI package no longer has a prefix set. Also, 'package.json' has been updated to output the produced CSS file in the correct directory, and a new CSS class has been added to the button component.

* Refactor build process to remove tsup

The tsup build dependency has been removed from the ui package. The import paths and build scripts have been updated accordingly, and unused configurations related to tsup are also removed. This simplifies the build process by using tailwindcss for both building and development.

* Add eslint-config and update pnpm-lock file

This update adds a new `eslint-config` package and updates the pnpm-lock file. This eslint-config package specifies linting settings for enhancing code quality and formatting. The pnpm-lock file has been updated to record eslint-config package information along with other dependencies.

Update ESLint configuration and dependencies in apps/web

Updated the ESLint configuration in .eslintrc.cjs to use the stricter '@typescript-eslint/strict' rule set instead of the '@typescript-eslint/recommended' one. Version numbers of ESLint and related dependencies have been pinned in package.json to eliminate potential inconsistencies due to minor version updates.

Add ESLint and TypeScript compiler configurations

This commit adds configurations for ESLint and TypeScript compiler. Additionally, it updates the project's dependencies in the lockfile, ensuring to include the workspace packages and eslint-plugin-tailwindcss. The commit also modifies the versions of some dependencies.

Update ESLint configuration and dependencies

This update replaces multiple ESLint plugins and parser with a custom configuration based on Vercel Engineering Style Guide. Dev dependencies in package.json have been modified accordingly. The configuration for the web app has been simplified and now extends the new custom configuration.

Implement ESLint with custom configuration

This update introduces ESLint with a custom configuration to improve code quality. Several scripts have been added to packages' and application's package.json files for practical usage. Furthermore, setup was completed by creating appropriate .eslintrc.cjs files in each directory and updating dependencies.

* Add 'clean' script across multiple packages

The 'clean' script, which removes the node_modules directory, has been added to several package.json files. This change applies to the config-typescript, config-tailwind, config-eslint packages, and also the web application. This script will help with clearing installed modules and creating a clean project slate.

* Integrate Prettier with project packages

The "prettier" dependency has been localized to individual project packages from the global space. A new package '@suddenly-giovanni/config-prettier' has been created to consolidate the configuration for Prettier. This change offers better control and customization of code formatting at the package level, improving development experience and code maintainability. The new 'format' scripts are added to apply formatting rules with Prettier in the respective packages.

Add 'format' task to turbo.json pipeline

This commit includes the introduction of a new 'format' task in the 'turbo.json' pipeline configuration. The task has been set to not use cache similar to the existing 'dev' and 'clean' tasks.

* Add typecheck scripts and update project paths

Added 'typecheck' scripts to 'package.json' files in multiple packages, ensuring TypeScript checking is comprehensive across the project. Also updated turbo.json and '.idea/webResources.xml' to reflect these changes. These updates help improve the robustness of the build process and facilitate type-checking in the development workflow.

* Update Storybook version to 8.0.0-beta.1

The commit includes updates to various Storybook dependencies in the pnpm-lock.yaml file. The specified version for the Storybook addons and the main Storybook package have been changed from 7.6.13 to 8.0.0-beta.1. This update also includes the necessary removals and additions to the lockfile sections associated with these dependencies.


* Update react and react-dom versions in pnpm-lock.yaml

The versions of the react and react-dom dependencies have been upgraded to '18.3.0-canary-ba5e6a832-20240208' throughout the pnpm-lock.yaml file. This commit also updates the react and react-dom versions in the dependencies of other packages accordingly.

* Add new dependencies and utilities function

New dependencies 'class-variance-authority', 'tailwind-merge', and 'clsx' were added to the 'ui' package. Along with these, a utility function 'cn' was introduced in 'utils.ts', which utilizes the newly added dependencies. These changes help in enhancing the functionality of the 'ui' package.

* Move tailwind.css to styles directory

The tailwind.css file was moved to a new directory named styles. As a result, the reference to this file in root.tsx has been updated to reflect this change. This reorganization aims to make the project structure cleaner and more manageable.

* Add NavLink component and update usage

A new NavLink component has been created to handle the styling of links in the application. This component has been implemented in routes/_index.tsx, replacing the previous local Link component. This helps in reusing code and maintaining a consistent styling for navigation links across various locations in the application.

* Add inspect-router script to package.json

This commit introduces an 'inspect-router' script in the package.json file. It allows developers to inspect the routes in a formatted way, providing more insight into the TypeScriptReact files.

* Refactor application structure and add new pages

The application structure has been refactored, mainly focusing on the header/navigation. Header elements have been moved from the '_index.tsx' and into the 'app' component, which optimizes the loading process. In addition to the restructuring, new page components for 'blog', 'reading-journal', and 'resume' have been created as well.

* Add 'exactOptionalPropertyTypes' to TypeScript config

This update adds the "exactOptionalPropertyTypes" option to the TypeScript configuration in the 'base.json' file. This option can help to prevent unexpected behavior by enforcing stricter typing for properties that are declared optional.

* Add 'cn' utility function to index exports

The 'cn' utility function from './utils.ts' has been added to the main export file. This function is now accessible along with Button and Card components, making code more tidy and facilitating import operations.

* Update navigation and add new component

A new component, SuddenlyGiovanni, has been added and implemented into the navigation bar. Simultaneously, NavLink has been updated with prefetching. Navigation and content now centralize using a container style.

* Update meta tags and add favicon

This commit introduces updates to the meta tags across various pages for SEO optimization, including titles and descriptions. It also includes the addition of a favicon to the site. The updates provide more precise, relevant content descriptions and improve site identity with the favicon.

* Add SocialIcon and social media link components

This update adds 'SocialIcon' and social media link components ('Twitter', 'LinkedIn', 'GitHub') to the UI package. It also includes necessary dependencies, such as 'react-icons', to the 'package.json' file. The new social components provide easy-to-integrate social media links for any projects using this package.

* Add Footer component to the application

A new Footer component is created and added to the root file. The Footer includes copyright information and links to socials (Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn). The component is also exported in the index file of the components directory.

* Add '@total-typescript/ts-reset' to project dependencies

The '@total-typescript/ts-reset' package has been added to the package.json dependencies in 'packages/ui', 'apps/web', and 'apps/docs'. It's also been included in pnpm-lock.yaml and imported in the index file of 'packages/ui', 'apps/web/app/root.tsx', and 'apps/docs/.storybook/main.ts'.

* Fix react-icons version in dependencies

The "^" in the version number of react-icons dependency has been removed. This has been done in both the 'pnpm-lock.yaml' and 'packages/ui/package.json' files. This change ensures that the exact version 5.0.1 is used, preventing unwanted updates that may cause compatibility issues.

* Refactor UI package structure and paths

The paths in `package.json` and source code files have been updated to reflect the newly organized structure in the UI package. Components, such as Button, Card, and Social, and utility functions are now placed under newly created 'components' and 'lib' directories, respectively. The 'styles.css' file has also been moved to a sub-directory.

* Update UI components and add new storybook stories

Enhanced the Button component in UI package and added two new components - Layout and Placeholder. These changes also include the creation of new Storybook stories for layout parts (header, body, main, and footer), as well as a placeholder. The button component has been refactored to improve its functionality.

* Refactor layout elements from direct HTML to Layout component

The changes include wrapping existing HTML elements like header, main, footer, and body into specific Layout components. This modification provides consistency and flexibility in managing user interface components and adheres to Modularity principle. Notable substitutions include the replacement of `<footer>` with `<Layout.Footer>` and `<body>` with `<Layout.Body>` among others. The order of some components' definitions were also rearranged for better organization.

* Add story variants for Placeholder component

This update extends the storybook of the Placeholder component, by introducing various size variants. The 'SmallSize', 'MediumSize' and 'LargeSize' stories have been added

* Rename .prettierrc.js to .prettierrc.cjs

The .prettierrc file has been renamed to follow common JS conventions. This is to ensure consistent file naming across the project.

* Add TailwindCSS and related configuration

Added TailwindCSS to the project and updated dependencies in package.json and pnpm-lock.yaml accordingly. The styling for Storybook preview has been adjusted to use TailwindCSS. Also, configuration files for both Web and Docs app have been created and treated with Tailwind presets, providing a base styling structure.

* Update tailwind and postcss configurations for multiple packages

Consolidated shared configurations for tailwind and postcss across multiple packages. This includes updating the configuration import paths and adding autoprefixer and postcss as dependencies. Additionally, adjusted css build scripts per changed tailwind configurations.

* Refactor tailwind CSS imports across packages

The tailwind CSS imports have been refactored for better maintainability across various packages and directories. By utilizing "@suddenly-giovanni/config-tailwind/tailwind.css", the same styles are now shared across all packages, reducing redundancy. Additionally, a new export has been added in "config-tailwind" package.json to expose the tailwind CSS file.

Add new tailwind.css import to web and docs

This commit includes the "@suddenly-giovanni/ui/tailwind.css" import to the existing tailwind.css files in both the web and docs sections of the app. This change is necessary to ensure consistency in styling throughout the different parts of the application.

* Update tsconfig and reference imports

This commit updates the tsconfig.json in several packages to include 'env.d.ts' and reorders the file include/exclude options. It also adds a reference to '@total-typescript/ts-reset' in multiple 'env.d.ts' files, removing the direct import from index and root files.

* Refactor storybook layout components

The storybook layout components: body, header, footer, and main have been refactored. Each layout has been updated to include a decorator and the render method instead of the previous use of argument. Furthermore, the 'children' prop has been removed from the Main layout component. The update improves on our ability to control and display the various layout components in our UI library, making the storybook more demonstrative of our components' capabilities.

* Add configuration options to .npmrc file

This update adds several configuration options to the .npmrc file. These changes are designed to automatically install peer dependencies, deduplicate peer dependents, resolve peers from workspace root, remove the save prefix and set the default installation tag to 'latest'.

* Add fresh `shadcn/ui` config to the ui-lib

This commit introduces new UI components in `components.json`. It notably changes default styles, settings for `tsx`, and configuration parameters for `tailwind`.
In `package.json`, `components-add` and `components-diff` commands were added and devDependencies were reordered. Some dependencies were also added namely, `lucide-react` and `tailwindcss-animate`.
There were major code refactorings in several `.tsx` files, basically altering imports of `cn` from `../lib/cn` to `../lib/utils`.
In `tailwind.css`, many style configurations were added, and `tailwind.config.ts` was significantly updated to include fine-tuned specifications for containers, colors, border radius, keyframes, animations and more.
Finally, adjustments were made to `pnpm-lock.yaml` according to the changes made in other files.
These changes contribute to enhancing the user interface of the application.

* Add Avatar components and corresponding package dependencies

The commit introduces Avatar components to the UI package and adds '@radix-ui/react-avatar' as a new dependency in 'packages/ui/package.json'. The newly created components are 'Avatar', 'AvatarImage', and 'AvatarFallback'. Various changes were also made in 'pnpm-lock.yaml' to reflect the new dependencies.

* run prettify

* run prettify ++

* Enable commit message inspections

This update enables two types of commit message inspections in the project settings. Specifically, it turns on warnings for the 'CommitFormat' and 'CommitNamingConvention' inspections. This will help maintain consistent and accurate commit messages throughout the project.

* Add new dictionary file to project

A dictionary XML file called suddenlygiovanni.xml has been added to the .idea directory. This is part of its dictionaries subdirectory, helping to manage different project-specific terminologies.

* Update social component names and improve accessibility

Social components have been refactored with new names (LinkedInIconLink, TwitterIconLink, GitHubIconLink) clear their purpose. Additionally, the '@radix-ui/react-accessible-icon' package was added to improve accessibility by providing better support for screen readers. The footer and storybook files have been updated to reflect these changes.

* Refactor UI components for modularity

The web app's user interface components have been refactored and rearranged for greater modularity and clear separation of concerns. This includes removing local component definitions and shifting them to the shared 'ui' package instead. Efforts were made to keep related code together to enhance readability and maintainability. Elements such as the header, main area, and footer have been encapsulated into their respective functions.

* Update package versions and reorganize dependencies

This commit updates several package versions, including "@types/react-dom", "vite", "@types/node", and "@tsconfig/strictest". Additionally, the dependencies in the "packages/ui/package.json" file have been reorganized for better visibility and maintenance. Global references within the "pnpm-lock.yaml" file are also updated to reflect these changes.

* Moved storybook app into ui

* Add new code inspection tools in vcs.xml

"BodyLimit", "SubjectBodySeparation" and "SubjectLimit" inspection tools have been added to the vcs.xml file which will help in enforcing proper commit formatting and documentation. These tools will raise a warning if not followed properly.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Add 'scripty' to project dependencies

This update introduces 'scripty' version 2.1.1 as a new package in our devDependencies. The definition of the new package and its dependencies, like 'async', 'glob', 'lodash', and 'resolve-pkg', have been added to the pnpm-lock.yaml file.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Replace manual cleanup with scripty

We replaced the manual 'clean' scripts that removed node_modules and other directories using 'rm -rf node_modules' with 'scripty'. This change makes the cleaning up process more consistent and manageable across different packages. Added the 'scripty' section in package.json files of each package for the configuration.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Replace manual format command with scripty

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Add peerDependenciesMeta in package.json

A peerDependenciesMeta section has been added in the package.json for config-tailwind. This new section outlines crucial dependencies for the package: tailwindcss, postcss, and autoprefixer. None of these dependencies are optional.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Remove unused dependencies from package.json

The `react-dom` and `typescript` packages were removed from the package.json file. These packages were not necessary for the project and therefore, to keep the dependencies clean and lightweight, they have been removed.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>


Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Delete index.html from UI package

The file index.html has been deleted from the UI package. This was a major change as the file is not needed any more in the UI package.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update config-prettier to use TypeScript

The package config-prettier has been updated to use TypeScript. The existing JavaScript configuration file, prettier.config.mjs, has been deleted and replaced with a TypeScript file, prettier.config.ts. The package.json file has also been updated to reflect the use of TypeScript, with additional scripts for building and development.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update Tailwind CSS configuration and build setup

This commit changes the structure of the Tailwind CSS configuration, moving some files to a 'src' directory and adding new scripts for build and development. It also modifies the postcss configurations, and adds 'postcss-load-config' as a new dependency.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update typecheck commands across packages

This update standardizes the 'typecheck' commands across different packages to use 'scripty'. Additionally, a 'typecheck:watch' command has been added into the main package.json file. A new script for typechecking has also been created to provide more information about the process.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Refactor code formatting across multiple files

The changes include modifying the code formatting in numerous files to ensure consistency across the codebase. These changes only involve style formatting and do not affect functionality. The update files include package.json, tsconfig.json, and other configuration files.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Refactor UI components and export adjustments

This commit includes refactoring of how children and className props are handled in the render functions of certain layout components. The data-testid attribute in the Button and SocialIcon components has also been corrected or added. Furthermore, the refactor expands on the data being exported from the index.tsx file to be more specific and organized.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>


Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update pnpm version in package.json

The pnpm version in the package.json has been updated. The previous version was 8.15.1 and now it has been updated to 8.15.2 for better functionality and updated features.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update turbo package to version 1.12.4

Updated the version of the turbo package in the package.json file and pnpm-lock.yaml file. Related dependencies for different OS and CPU architectures were also updated with the proper resolution integrity hashes.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update typescript-eslint and eslint-config-turbo versions

The typescript-eslint plug-in has been updated from version 6.21.0 to 7.0.1, resulting in version adjustments in pnpm-lock.yaml. Similarly, eslint-config-turbo has been updated from version 1.12.3 to version 1.12.4. These changes ensure that we are using the most recent and stable versions of these dependencies.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update vite to version 5.1.2 and @vitejs/plugin-react-swc to version 3.6.0

The current commit includes an update for the vite package to the newer version 5.1.2, along with an update for the @vitejs/plugin-react-swc package to version 3.6.0. The changes have been carried through the necessary files for preserving dependency chain and compatibility.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update @chromatic-com/storybook dependency version

The version of the @chromatic-com/storybook dependency in the UI package was updated from 1.1.6 to 1.1.8. This update also includes changes to ensure the integrity of the node engines and dependencies throughout the project.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Add .eslintignore and simplify lint script

Created an .eslintignore file to specify which files to exclude from linting directly in this file. Additionally, simplified the lint script in package.json to improve readability and maintainability. Now the 'lint' script just calls 'eslint .' and relies on .eslintignore for determining which files to ignore.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update package.json for config-prettier package

The main and types fields have been replaced with an exports field in the config-prettier package.json file. This modification helps in specifying the main entry point for the module and its associated type definitions file more explicitly.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Add .editorconfig file

An .editorconfig file has been added to define and maintain coding styles. This helps to ensure consistent styling among different editors and IDEs used by multiple developers. The styles cover character set, end of line type, indent style, trailing whitespace trim, max line length, and others.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Simplify ESLint config and add lint script

Simplified the ESLint configuration by consolidating object declarations in react.js. Also, a new lint script has been added to the scripts folder. This script will allow easier linting of specified directories, with helpful CLI options included.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Refactor: Adjust code formatting and rename Prettier configurations

This commit adjusts the code formatting across multiple configuration files for better readability. Additionally, it renames the Prettier configuration files in the 'ui' package and 'web' app from 'prettier.config.mjs' to '.prettierrc.js'. The changes improve consistency and conform to common naming conventions for configuration files.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update module root manager settings

The module root manager settings have been updated to enhance the program execution. Key modifications consist of the addition of the "inherit-compiler-output" attribute and inclusion of several folders (mostly node_module ones) into the exclude list. This improvement streamlines the performance by reducing the number of files to be processed during runtime.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Refactor config-tailwind internal module

File names and their respective import paths in multiple files were updated. Specifically, changes were mainly made in tailwind.css, postcss.config.mjs, tailwind.config.ts, package.json, tsconfig.json and postcss.config.mjs files. By renaming 'postcss.config.ts' to 'postcss-config.ts', 'tailwind.css' to 'styles.css', and 'tailwind.config.ts' to 'tailwind-config.ts', references to these files had to be updated accordingly in the import statements.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Remove tsconfig.node.json and references

The tsconfig.node.json file and all of its references in tsconfig.json have been deleted. This cleaning was performed as this specific configuration is no longer necessary. The related configuration parameters have now been embedded within the main configuration file saving redundancy.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update packageManager version and fix indentation

This commit updates the version of the packageManager in the package.json file from [email protected] to [email protected]. Additionally, it corrects the indentation level for the "build", "format", and "lint" scripts.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update pipeline configuration in turbo.json

Extended the pipeline configuration with 'topo' task. 'dev' and 'typecheck' tasks now depend on this newly added 'topo' task. This improves the efficiency of the workflow by introducing additional dependencies and enhancing pipeline structure.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Add JSON schema catalog configuration file

A new JSON schema catalog configuration file (jsonCatalog.xml) has been added to the .idea directory. This configuration file is set to prefer remote schemas.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Exclude distribution folders in config

Added exclusion entries for the distribution folders in the configuration files for config-prettier, config-tailwind, and ui packages. This ensures these folders are not included in the project files during development or deployment.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update database connection settings

The code differences reflect changes made to the database connection settings. These adjustments ensure a secure and optimized connection to the database, improving performance and security.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Add mobile navigation and enhance accessibility

The header navigation has been updated to support mobile users by including a 'Menu' button. Furthermore, the accessibility of the navigation links has been improved by assigning a tabIndex of 0 to each link, which ensures that keyboard-only users can easily navigate through the site.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Introduced NavigationMenuToggle

This change involves updating the configurations for the UI component and its package. The "types" property under "exports" in 'packages/ui/package.json' was removed for simplification. Additionally, new dependencies 'react-aria', 'react-aria-components', and 'react-stately' were added to the package.json file to facilitate improved interaction logic.

The component 'NavigationMenuToggle' was also added to 'packages/ui/src/components/index.tsx'. Corresponding storybook files were added for the new component. Moreover, the export of 'tv' from 'tailwind-variants' was added to 'packages/ui/src/lib/utils.ts' for utility purposes.

The pnpm-lock.yaml file was updated to reflect the newly introduced dependencies and their dependencies.

* Add tailwindFunctions to prettier config

The prettier configuration has been updated to now include a 'tailwindFunctions' key. This addition will allow for the use of Tailwind's utility families, 'tv' and 'cn', enhancing the customization capabilities.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Add tailwind-variants package, enable emmetCompletions, and update 'lspConfiguration' settings

The tailwind-variants package has been added to the 'packages/ui/package.json' and 'pnpm-lock.yaml' files. In the '.idea/tailwindcss.xml' file, settings have been updated in 'lspConfiguration', including enabling Emmet completions and adding "cn" class attribute.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Remove Card and Button components

The Card and Button components have been deleted from the project, alongside their related stories. These exports were also removed from the main index file. This action is part of a larger effort to refactor the UI and simplify its structure.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>


Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Refactor prettier config, update scripts, and adjust dependencies

The commit renames the Prettier configuration file, updates the build scripts in package.json, and make adjustments to the dependencies in both package.json and pnpm-lock.yaml. Transpilation specification in Typescript configuration has also been modified. These revisions enhance code maintainability and ensure the latest dependency functionalities.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>


Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* wip

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Implement useToggle hook and refactor components

Refactored the Header, HamburgerIcon, and NavigationMenuToggle components to use the new `useToggle` hook for state management. This simplifies the toggling logic and enhances readability. Furthermore, updated some import statements across files for better consistency and reorganized tailwind classes for conformity with best practices.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update paths and refactor config-tailwind package

This commit mainly includes updating the paths in both UI package and config-tailwind package, removing the build scripts and changing the source files from typescript to javascript in the config-tailwind package. Extra configurations in the typescript compiler options are also removed and only the necessary options are retained.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Refactor code structure for header, footer and main

The previously cluttered root.tsx file has been cleaned up by extracting the components Header, Main and Footer into their individual files. This makes the codebase easier to manage and maintain. These changes maintain the current functionalities but enhance the code structure and coherence in the project.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Refactor header and profile picture components

Updated the header component's layout and made visual tweaks in mobile navigation. The variable names have been made more explicit for better readability. The profile component changes involve minor adjustments to image presentation and alt text. The text formatting is also standardized across the code.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Refactor header component class definitions

The header component was updated with new function to handle class name formation. The new function 'calculateClassName' is used for NavLink classes, which ensures cleaner code structure. Similarly, class definitions for the main nav were refactored to make the styles more manageable and easier to read.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Refactor header and improve navigation performance

Refactored Header component to improve code readability and maintainability. Modified the structure of navigation items and implemented a strategy to better handle mobile navigation events to boost performance. Also replaced the image element in 'SuddenlyGiovanni' component with Avatar for cleaner and more modular code.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update .editorconfig for Prettier integration

The .editorconfig file has been updated to incorporate Prettier configurations. This includes clarification about non-configurable Prettier behaviors and caveats, settings for configurable Prettier behaviors, and a modification to the indent size. The file also now actively prevents upward exploratory search for other .editorconfig files in parent directories.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update package versions for React and Node types

This commit updates the versions for various packages, including "@types/react" and "@types/node", and reflects the changes in pnpm-lock. All dependencies that depend on these two packages have also been updated accordingly.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update Vite version to 5.1.3

The Vite version has been updated from 5.1.2 to 5.1.3 in "apps/web/package.json", "packages/ui/package.json", and "pnpm-lock.yaml". This necessary update ensures compatibility and brings in new features and fixes from the latest version of Vite.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update storybook and eslint-plugin-storybook versions in devDependencies

Updated "@chromatic-com/storybook" from version 1.1.8 to 1.1.9 and "eslint-plugin-storybook" from 0.6.15 to 0.8.0 in development dependencies. This update is reflected in the ui package.json and pnpm-lock.yaml files. These updates come with essential patches and minor feature enhancements.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update Header component for improved accessibility

Added an optional className parameter to the calculateClassName function, as well as an aria-expanded attribute to the NavigationMenuToggle for better screen reader compatibility. A constant PRIMARY_NAVIGATION has been introduced to avoid hard coding the 'primary-navigation' string multiple times.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Add responsive hero image to 'About me' page

The code reflects the addition of a responsive hero image to the 'About me' section of the website. Multiple image resolution options have been added to provide optimal performance across different screen sizes and device types.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Improve UI layout and enhance image definitions

This commit refactors some code for better structure and readability, making future development easier. Layout classes in the footer, header and main components have been updated for improved responsive design. Additionally, the image definitions on the index page have been enhanced for better performance and clarity, including updates to srcSet values and defined dimensions.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Add typography components

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

Import and utilize typography component across various route files

The typography component `T` from 'suddenly-giovanni/ui' has been imported and applied to multiple route files including 'index.tsx', 'blog.tsx', 'reading-journal.tsx', and 'resume.tsx'. By replacing standard element tags like 'h1' with this self-styled typography component, we ensure that all headings carry a consistent style across the site. Additionally, the component was incorporated into 'suddenly-giovanni.tsx' for a cohesive interface design.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update file names and paths for postcss and tailwind configs

The file names of postcss and tailwind configuration files have been updated from hyphen-separated to dot-separated format. This change has been reflected in all relative imports and references within the 'ui' and 'config-tailwind' packages, and in the 'web' app. The 'tsconfig.json', 'package.json' and source map files have been updated to reflect these changes.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Add Button component and stories, update dependencies

A new Button component has been implemented, along with related story definitions for Storybook. The '@radix-ui/react-slot' dependency has been added to the 'ui' package and pnpm lock file. Additionally, minor tweaks have been made to Storybook previews and to the tailwindcss configuration.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Add a new dropdown menu component and its stories

This commit includes the addition of a 'react-dropdown-menu' package. Following this, a new 'dropdown-menu' component was created in the ui directory with its accompanying Storybook stories. This dropdown menu component aims to provide a reusable and customizable dropdown menu for our application.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Add ModeToggle component and its story

A new component called ModeToggle has been introduced along with its corresponding story file. This component allows a user to switch between the 'DARK' and 'LIGHT' themes. It includes Moon and Sun icons to visually indicate the current mode and implements a dropdown selection for theme changing.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Add theme switch support in the web app

The commit adds support for changing the theme in the web application. It introduces a 'ModeToggle' component which handles theme changes. It also adjusts several files to incorporate the new feature, ensuring a seamless transition between themes. Additionally, the web app's dependencies are updated.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Add theme support to Storybook

This commit introduces the '@storybook/addon-themes' package to the project, enabling theme support for Storybook. The package has been added to .storybook/main.ts, and the theme configuration is added to .storybook/preview.ts. This update allows for theme switching, with light and dark themes available. Additionally, the versions of existing packages have been upgraded from 8.0.0-beta.2 to 8.0.0-beta.3.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Add new NavigationMenu component

This commit introduces a new NavigationMenu component. It has several parts including NavigationMenu itself, NavigationMenuList, NavigationMenuItem, NavigationMenuTrigger, NavigationMenuLink, NavigationMenuIndicator, and NavigationMenuViewport. It also includes specific animations and styles for a more interactive user experience.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Add @remix-run/testing to devDependencies

The package.json and pnpm-lock.yaml files have been updated to include the "@remix-run/testing" package as a devDependency. This testing framework has been added to assist in the project development. This commit also includes some formatting corrections in the yaml file.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Add new Icons component to UI package

A new Icons component has been introduced to the UI package. This component includes a variety of popular services and platforms such as Twitter, GitHub, Google, and React. The addition enhances the flexibility of the UI package in delivering a wider variety of visual cues.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Add navigation menu component to UI

This adds a new navigation menu component to the UI. It includes a list of components with descriptions and relevant links. The menubar has been structured with 'Getting started', 'Components', and 'Documentation' as the main categories.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update styling in suddenly-giovanni component

Enhanced the text styling of the suddenly-giovanni component. Added classes for responsive text size and alignment for better user interface across different screen sizes.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update class names in various components

The class names of multiple elements have been updated in the root.tsx, _index.tsx and layout.tsx files. The changes improve the layout configuration across the components, ensuring better grid and alignment attributes. In addition, the 'cn' utility function has been utilized for cleaner and consistent className assignments.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Add sticky positioning to header

Added the 'sticky' and 'top-0' classes to the header component in the web application. Now, the header stays fixed at the top of the page when scrolling.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update CSS classes in layout components

Multiple updates have been made to the CSS class names in the components. The footer, header, root, and main layout components have undergone revisions. The changes are mainly related to how elements are displayed on the screen, with a focus on their positioning and the space they occupy. These are aimed at optimizing the UI layout in various screen sizes.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update styling for web app footer and header

The Footer and Header components of the web app have undergone styling updates that improve overall visual aesthetics and user interface. New styling includes adding a blurred background effect, shadow, and a relative layout for items. Changes in the z-index value also ensure proper layering in the interface.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update z-index and animation styles on header and footer

The z-index of both the header and footer have been adjusted from 40 to 10. The animation of the mobile navigation in the header has also been simplified. The adjustments enhance the webpage’s look and its responsiveness.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update z-index in footer and refactor header styles

Adjusted the z-index setting in the footer component for better layering experience. Refactored the header component styles, increasing their readability by organizing them into arrays. Additionally, introduced some new responsiveness and transition styles to improve UI fluidity on different devices.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Refactor mode-toggle component and add SVG icons

Moved the MoonIcon and SunIcon from the mode-toggle component into a separate icons component. The code for these icons was significantly simplified by using SVG path data, which led to improved readability and a small reduction in code size. Also, conditionally rendered the moon and sun icons based on the theme state.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update Remix packages to version 2.7.0

This commit involves updating the version of all Remix packages from 2.6.0 to 2.7.0. The version bump affects the '@remix-run/node', '@remix-run/react', '@remix-run/serve', '@remix-run/dev', and '@remix-run/testing' packages across different project segments. These upgrades have also been reflected in the lock file.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin to version 7.0.2

This commit updates the "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin" package from version 7.0.1 to version 7.0.2. It also includes relevant adjustments to the 'pnpm-lock.yaml' file to reflect this change, providing consistency in package dependencies.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update @types/react version in multiple files

The "@types/react" package has been updated to version "18.2.57" from "18.2.56" in multiple files. This includes changes in 'apps/web/package.json', 'packages/ui/package.json', and 'pnpm-lock.yaml'. Updating this package provides access to the latest type definitions for React.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Add Shantell Sans font and apply to SuddenlyGiovanni component

This update includes the preconnection to Google Fonts and the addition of the Shantell Sans font to the root file. It also interchanges the h1 definition in the SuddenlyGiovanni component to utilize this new font. The specific font settings are detailed in the styles.css file.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

Add preview-head.html for Storybook

This commit introduces a new file, preview-head.html, to serve static files in the Storybook. This includes a preconnect link to Google Fonts and a stylesheet link to load custom font weights and styles.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Add new Skeleton component

This commit introduces a new Skeleton component in the ui package. It's a forward-ref component that accepts `div` specific props and applies predefined classes for styling and animation.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Refactor and move 'SuddenlyGiovanni' component

Moved the 'SuddenlyGiovanni' component to its own directory and refactored its code. Also added a storybook file for the component, which includes default stories. Changes include better structuring for the component and use of a Skeleton loading state in the AvatarFallback element.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update React typing and improve CSS class styling

The React typing used in the code has been refactored from JSX to ReactElement for better type enforcement. On top of that, additional CSS classes have been added for better experience with transitions, color modes, text decoration and keyboard focus. Utility classes were also modulated for better readability.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update homepage with personal introduction

The code changes involve adding a detailed personal introduction to the homepage, including background information and contact options. The title On the Index page has been modified, and the Link import from '@remix-run/react' has been included to provide navigation to resume and blog pages.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update Shantell Sans font configurations

Adjusted Shantell Sans font configurations in Tailwind and Storybook. The font properties were updated in the Tailwind configuration file and related applications. Also, the font was renamed to 'font-comic-hero' in the CSS styles.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update styling and add Link component

Enhanced the styling of "suddenly-giovanni" component and imported additional types from 'react' library. Also added a new Link component with complex styling and used it for routing within the web application. Adjusted content with better font and more readable hyperlinks.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Add a new package for the resume

The commit is about adding a new package that contains the resume of Giovanni Ravalico, a software developer. Specifically, two new files have been created, `package.json` and `resume.json`, under the `packages/resume` directory, and a new resume dependency has been included in the `package.json` of `apps/web`. The `pnpm-lock.yaml` file was also updated due to the new dependency.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update SVG icons and tweak component props

Adjusted several SVG icons to enhance clarity and readability. Additionally, certain component props and parameters were refactored for optimization. This overhaul improves UX and boosts efficiency in frontend rendering.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update "@remix-run" packages to version 2.7.2

The versions of "@remix-run/react", "@remix-run/node", "@remix-run/serve", "@remix-run/dev", and "@remix-run/testing" have been updated from 2.7.0 to 2.7.2. This update encompasses packages in the "ui" and "web" applications, as well as modifications to the lock file, ensuring all dependencies are properly aligned.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update Vite to version 5.1.4 in pnpm-lock.yaml

This commit upgrades Vite from version 5.1.3 to 5.1.4 in the pnpm-lock.yaml file. This update brings in the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes from Vite. It will ensure the project is using the most recent and stable version of Vite.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update eslint-plugin-tailwindcss version and improve code formatting

The eslint-plugin-tailwindcss version was updated for improved code linting. Additionally, the code formatting was improved in both package.json and pnpm-lock.yaml files to increase readability and maintain consistency.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Add SocialIcon to UI package exports

The 'SocialIcon' component has been added to the export list in the index.tsx file under the 'packages/ui/src/components' directory. Also updated the import statement with 'SocialIcon' in the index.tsx file under the 'packages/ui/src' directory.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* [WIP] - Update resume route with detailed content

The resume route has been significantly updated to include more detailed content, allowing users to see more extensive information such as basics, contacts, geographic data, and downloadable resume file. A new PDF file is incorporated for download to make the information more accessible.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* [WIP] Update TailwindCSS settings and refactor resume page styles

The TailwindCSS settings in .idea/tailwindcss.xml have been updated to follow current best practices. Additionally, styles in the resume.tsx page have been refactored to use utility classes for improved readability and maintainability. A set of new styles have been added to addressClasses for better customization and flexibility.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update address CSS classes in resume route

The address CSS classes in the resume route have been revised to improve visual presentation and responsiveness. The changes include adjustment of margins, addition of grid properties, and rearrangement of flex properties. This will enhance the organization of the page layout across various screen sizes.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Add @tailwindcss/typography plugin to UI package

The tailwind typography plugin has been added into our UI package to enhance the typography support. This plugin ('@tailwindcss/typography') has been added in the 'plugins' array of the tailwind.config.ts file and as a dependency in the package.json file.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Add 'effect' package and update pnpm-lock file

Added the 'effect' package to the package.json file. Several changes were made to the pnpm-lock.yaml, primarily adding new dependencies and updating the integrity checks for existing ones. In addition, minor syntax improvements have been made for better readability.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update resume.tsx with new icons and react functionality

In this update, a `mysql` and `postgresql` SVG icons were added to the `DevIconRecord` object. Some React imports were also included to provide additional functionality and support for the app. The overall changes were designed to improve the visual representation and user interactivity of the app's resume page.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Update '@types/react' and '@types/node' versions in 'pnpm-lock.yaml'

This commit includes version upgrades for '@types/react' and '@types/node' packages in the 'pnpm-lock.yaml' file. Additionally it includes some minor reformatting changes, predominantly around object braces consistency.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Add externalDependencies.xml file

A new file named externalDependencies.xml has been added in the .idea directory. This file lists the external plugins used in the project which includes Git4Idea, NodeJS, tailwindcss, gitignore, GitHub, and dotenv.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Add new 'resume' route and extract utils to separate file

Separated the 'resume' route's logic and utility functions into two distinct files: 'route.tsx' and 'utils.tsx'. This improves code readability and maintainability by clearly separating concerns. This commit specifically involves the creation of a 'route.tsx' file for 'resume', moving a large majority of the existing 'resume.tsx' code into it, and renaming 'resume.tsx' to 'utils.tsx'.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Refactor skills section into a separate component

The skills section of the Resume route has been extracted into a separate Skills component for reusability and code simplicity. Additionally, the utils.tsx file was renamed to dev-icons.tsx to better align with its content.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Add Contacts component to routes/resume

A new Contacts component was created and added to the routes/resume to handle all contact related information. This helps to streamline the code in the main resume route by compartmentalizing the contact information into a separate component, improving code readability and maintainability.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Add new Header component for Resume route

A new Header component is created to streamline the Resume route. The Header component encapsulates all the header related details. The Resume route now uses the Header component which helps in improving overall code readability.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Add mapping and interface for resume in web app

A new functionality has been added to the web application's resume route. This includes the creation of resume interface and mapper modules. The interface module provides the structure for the resume, while the mapper converts Gatsby-type data to match the structure defined in the interface module.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Add 'link2' icon to UI components

A new icon, 'link2', has been added to the Icon component in the UI package. This SVG icon can now be utilized throughout the applications which use this package. The changes include defining properties and paths for the 'link2' icon.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Add SectionItem component to resume route

A new SectionItem component is introduced to the resume route in the web app. The component displays detailed resume information such as headings, date ranges, and highlights. It includes helper functions like formatDateLocaleShort and subcomponents like DescriptionDetailsHighlights and DescriptionTerm to manage and display the data.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Add Experience component to Resume route

This commit introduces a new Experience component to our Resume route. The component is designed to showcase the user's work history, including job titles, employers, locations, and direct contacts. It allows for user-friendly display of individual job experiences with all its associated details.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Add Experience section and map data in Resume

In the resume route, the Experience section has been imported and then added into the main JSX structure. The data mapped for this section was derived from an imported 'mapToResume' function. This provides a more comprehensive profiling on the resume page.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Refactor resume experience Route

The "experience.tsx" file has been removed and replaced with the "experiences.tsx" file in the resume route with added features. The change also updates the "route.tsx" file to utilize the new file. The main action involved is the restructuring of the experience section, aimed at improving the clarity and maintaining a more consistent style across the component.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Remove 'section-item.tsx' from resume route

This commit deletes the 'section-item.tsx' file, which was part of the resume route in the web application. This file handled the display and formatting of sections in a resume, including details like the start and end dates of a job, the job description, and location.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Ravalico <[email protected]>

* Refactor Experiences component for readability

The Experiences component has been refactored to break down the code into smaller, more manageable functions for improved readability and maintainability. This includes creating new functions for features like ExperienceHeader, ExperienceSummary, Experience…
  • Loading branch information
suddenlyGiovanni authored Mar 3, 2024
1 parent cb5f4a3 commit c28a73f
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 328 changed files with 25,052 additions and 143,121 deletions.
147 changes: 147 additions & 0 deletions .dockerignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
### Node template
# Logs

# Diagnostic reports (

# Runtime data

# Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover

# Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul

# nyc test coverage

# Grunt intermediate storage (

# Bower dependency directory (

# node-waf configuration

# Compiled binary addons (

# Dependency directories

# Snowpack dependency directory (

# TypeScript cache

# Optional npm cache directory

# Optional eslint cache

# Optional stylelint cache

# Microbundle cache

# Optional REPL history

# Output of 'npm pack'

# Yarn Integrity file

# dotenv environment variable files

# parcel-bundler cache (

# Next.js build output
# out

# Nuxt.js build / generate output
# dist

# Gatsby files
# Comment in the public line in if your project uses Gatsby and not Next.js
# public

# vuepress build output

# vuepress v2.x temp and cache directory

# Docusaurus cache and generated files

# Serverless directories

# FuseBox cache

# DynamoDB Local files

# TernJS port file

# Stores VSCode versions used for testing VSCode extensions

# yarn v2

### Remix template
### JetBrains template
# User-specific stuff
### macOS template
# General

### Docker
18 changes: 15 additions & 3 deletions .editorconfig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,20 @@
# EditorConfig is awesome:

# top-most EditorConfig file; Stop the editor from looking for .editorconfig files in the parent directories
root = true

indent_style = space
indent_size = 2
# Non-configurable Prettier behaviors
charset = utf-8
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
insert_final_newline = true
# Caveat: Prettier won’t trim trailing whitespace inside template strings, but your editor might.
# trim_trailing_whitespace = true

# Configurable Prettier behaviors
# (change these if your Prettier config differs)
end_of_line = lf
indent_style = tab
indent_size = 2
tab_width = 2
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
max_line_length = 100
97 changes: 27 additions & 70 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,81 +1,38 @@
# Logs
# See for more about ignoring files.

# Runtime data
# Dependencies

# Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover
# Local env files

# Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul
# Testing

# nyc test coverage

# Grunt intermediate storage (

# Bower dependency directory (

# node-waf configuration

# Compiled binary addons (

# Dependency directories

# Optional npm cache directory
# Turbo

# Optional eslint cache
# Vercel

# Optional REPL history
# Build Outputs

# Output of 'npm pack'

# dotenv environment variable files

# gatsby files
# Debug

# Mac files
# Misc

# Yarn
# Yarn Integrity file

# Local Netlify folder
# @netlify/plugin-gatsby ignores start
# @netlify/plugin-gatsby ignores end


18 changes: 0 additions & 18 deletions .graphqlconfig

This file was deleted.

22 changes: 0 additions & 22 deletions .graphqlrc.json

This file was deleted.

5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions .idea/.gitignore

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions .idea/biome.xml

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.


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