The repository provides a Dockerfile
to build the Micropython firmware for ESP8266 boards.
Based on THiNX OpenSource IoT management platform.
Warning: The binary works on Ubuntu 14:04 and the build is based on Ubuntu 14:04
Build the docker image of the master branch.
docker build -t micropython .
To specify a particular version of micropython provide it through the build-arg
. Otherwise the HEAD of the master branch will be used.
docker build -t micropython --build-arg VERSION=v1.8.7 .
Once the container is built successfuly create a container from the image
docker create --name micropython micropython
Then copy the the built firmware into the host machine.
docker cp micropython:/micropython/esp8266/build/firmware-combined.bin firmware-combined.bin
The firmware can then be uploaded with the esptool --port ${SERIAL_PORT} --baud 115200 write_flash --verify --flash_size=8m 0 firmware-combined.bin
is the path to the serial device on which the board is connected.
If you have built the image directly on your host (Linux), you also can flash your ESP directly by running a container from the image. I prefereably erase flash memory of ESP8266 before starting flash a new firmware
docker run --rm -it --device ${SERIAL_PORT} --user root --workdir /micropython/esp8266 micropython make PORT=${SERIAL_PORT} erase deploy
is the path to the serial device on which the board is connected, generally is equal to /dev/ttyUSB0.
If you want to add personal python scripts to include in the build flash image, you have to add them to the folder /micropython/esp8266/modules. The building process will precompiles your scripts with MPY and will inserts in the flash image this option will save you more memory of the microcontroller.
To obtain this within the docker container, create a copy of the original micropython folder /micropython/esp8266/modules in your working directrory add here your scripts and link them into the container (with the -v docker option) overriding the default modules folder, when you run the container.
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/modules:/micropython/esp8266/modules --device ${SERIAL_PORT} --user root --workdir /micropython/esp8266 esp /bin/bash
make clean
make PORT=/dev/ttyUSB0 erase deploy
is the path to the serial device on which the board is connected, generally is equal to /dev/ttyUSB0.