This app serves as inspiration for jobs you didn't even know you wanted, and is great for career transitions or first time workers. Without logging in you can view a list of all the Job Titles that have been added to the app, and you can view Job Posts from real world workers describing their experience.
everyJob was created by four software engineering students: Charles, Trisha, Riaz and Sophie
Home page, content is the same regardless if you are logged in or not
Add Job Title page, accessible only if you are logged in
Add Job Post, accessible only if you are logged in
Job Title detail page, the Job Post on the right was created by the logged in user, so you can edit and delete
- Django
- Python
- Bootstrap
- PostreSQL
- Heroku
- cripsy forms
Planning, wireframes, ERD, and user stories are on this Trello board
To get started, browse the Job Titles that display on the homepage. You can click on a Job Title (like Software Engineer, etc) to see the Job Posts associated with that title. Each Job Post is written by a person who has worked that job, and is a detailed account of what they experience daily in that job.
If you signup, or login, you can create Job Titles that are not listed on the Home page yet. You can also add Job Posts to Job Titles. Once you add a Job Post you can edit it or delete it as the owner.
Launch the app and explore career options: here
AAU, I want to be able to see all the users past job title posts (add users page)
AAU, I want to add tags to a job title
AAU, I want to be able to search by Industry
AAU, I want to be able to search all job titles by education
AAU, I want to be able to add location and salary
AAU, I want to be able to add a subcategory as Junior and Senior Job listings
Add a max value for years experience
Add counter on years experience every year since years posted