Implements Go's chan type in Python.
Install with pip install chan
Source at
You can put
onto channels, and get
from them
c = Chan()
# Thread 1
# Thread 2
print "Heard: %s" % c.get()
Channels can be closed (usually by the sender). Iterating over a channel gives all values until the channel is closed
c = Chan()
# Thread 1
# Thread 2
for thing in c:
print "Heard:", thing
You can wait on multiple channels using chanselect
. Pass it a list of input channels and another of output channels, and it will return when any of the channels is ready
def fan_in(outchan, input1, input2):
while True:
chan, value = chanselect([input1, input2], [])
if chan == input1:
outchan.put("From 1: " + str(value))
outchan.put("From 2 " + str(value))
You can see more examples in the "examples" directory.