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Do not crash if spline is requested with only 1 control point - this … #9

Do not crash if spline is requested with only 1 control point - this …

Do not crash if spline is requested with only 1 control point - this … #9

name: libcootapi CI Homebrew macOS
runs-on: macos-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
# Home on macOS is /Users/runner
- name: where are we?
run: |
- name: cache macos libcootapi build homebrew
id: cache-macos-libcootapi-homebrew
uses: actions/cache@v4
path: /usr/local
key: macos-libcootapi-homebrew-build-homebrew-cache
- name: download the monomer library
run: wget -nv
# note that the data directory exists in the coot repo (which is where we are)
- name: untar the monomer library
run: pwd && cd data && tar xf ../ccp4-8.0.016.tar.gz && ln -s monomers-ccp4-8.0.016 monomers
- name: Cache test data tar
id: macos-libcootapi-test-data-cache
uses: actions/cache@v4
path: test-molecule-container-test-data.tar.gz
key: macos-libcootapi-test-data-cache
- name: download test data
run: wget -N -nv
- name: untar test data
run: mkdir test-data && cd test-data && tar xvf ../test-molecule-container-test-data.tar.gz
- name: Setup homebrew
id: setup-homebrew
uses: Homebrew/actions/setup-homebrew@master
- name: turn on brew analytics
run: brew analytics on
- name: pre-update clean for homebrew
run: |
rm '/usr/local/bin/2to3'
rm '/usr/local/bin/2to3-3.11'
rm '/usr/local/bin/2to3-3.12'
rm '/usr/local/bin/idle3'
rm '/usr/local/bin/idle3.11'
rm '/usr/local/bin/idle3.12'
rm '/usr/local/bin/pydoc3'
rm '/usr/local/bin/pydoc3.11'
rm '/usr/local/bin/pydoc3.12'
rm '/usr/local/bin/python3'
rm '/usr/local/bin/python3.11'
rm '/usr/local/bin/python3.12'
rm '/usr/local/bin/python3-config'
rm '/usr/local/bin/python3.12-config'
rm '/usr/local/bin/python3.11-config'
- name: brew update
run: |
brew uninstall kotlin
brew uninstall xcbeautify
brew update
brew upgrade
# gfortran is needed for numpy.
# numpy is needed for rdkit
- name: Install Homebrew dependencies
run: >
brew install boost boost-python3 brewsci/bio/clipper4coot
brewsci/bio/ssm brewsci/bio/gemmi dwarfutils gsl rdkit glm gfortran
- name: tell me about rdkit installation
run: |
ls /usr/local/opt/rdkit
ls /usr/local/opt/rdkit/share/RDKit
- name: test python3
run: which python3 && python3 --version
# homebrew pip refuses to do this:
# - name: install nanobind
# run: python3 -m pip install nanobind
# so try using pip3 to a user-install of nanobind
- name: homebrew python-requests
run: brew install python-requests
- name: download a Python
run: wget -nv
- name: untar the Python
run: tar xf Python-3.10.13.tgz
- name: configure, compile and install the Python
run: >
cd Python-3.10.13 &&
./configure --prefix=$HOME/install &&
make -j 4 &&
make install
- name: set the path
run: echo /Users/runner/install/bin >> $GITHUB_PATH
- name: install nanobind
run: pip3 install nanobind
- name: find nanobind in $HOME/install
run: find $HOME/install -name nanobind
- name: create-build-directory-for-libcootapi
run: mkdir build-libcootapi
- name: patch out CCP4-package in CMakeLists.txt
run: sed -i.backup -e 's/find_package.CCP4/#&/' CMakeLists.txt
- name: run cmake
run: >
cd build-libcootapi &&
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/Users/runner/install/chapi-Darwin-macos-gtk4
-Dnanobind_DIR=/Users/runner/install/lib/python3.10/site-packages/nanobind/cmake ..
# what do we know about RDKit?
- name: cat CMakeCache.txt
run: cd build-libcootapi && cat CMakeCache.txt
- name: Upload CMakeCache.txt
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: cmake-macos-homebrew-build-cache-package
path: /Users/runner/work/coot/coot/build-libcootapi
retention-days: 3
- name: make
run: cd build-libcootapi && make -j 4 VERBOSE=1
- name: make install
run: cd build-libcootapi && make install
- name: run the test-molecules-container test
# this needs the monomer library
COOT_REFMAC_LIB_DIR: /Users/runner/work/coot/coot # "data/monomers" is added before "a/ATP.cif" (say)
# run: cd build-libcootapi && ./test-molecules-container | egrep "^FAIL|^PASS|^UN|^LIGHTS|^, "
run: cd build-libcootapi && ./test-molecules-container