Decimal 64 bit numbers implementation to represent money values in GoLang. Based on int64. Supports JSON (un)marshalling.
At the moment provides just a single type Decimal64p2
with fixed precision of 2 digits after point.
In simple words it stores value as 64 bits integer amount of cents.
The code has 100% unit tests coverage.
E.g. 1.43
will be stored as int64(143)
but when rendered as string will be represented as "1.43"
package example
import ""
func Example() {
var amount decimal.Decimal64p2; print(amount) // 0
amount = decimal.NewDecimal64p2(0, 43); print(amount) // 0.43
amount = decimal.NewDecimal64p2(1, 43); print(amount) // 1.43
amount = decimal.NewDecimal64p2FromFloat64(23.100001); print(amount) // 23.10
amount, _ = decimal.ParseDecimal64p2("2.34"); print(amount) // 2.34
amount, _ = decimal.ParseDecimal64p2("-3.42"); print(amount) // -3.42
This package originally was developed for - a mobile app & chat bots to split bills & track your debts.
- Fast
- Compact
- No precision issues with storing values like
- By storing with precision to cents there is no ambiguity with rounding. E.g. if you split $10 between 3 persons the amounts will be $3.33, $3.33 & $3.34.
Free to use without restrictions. If cloned please keep links to and to