Toolkit to manipulate bitfields in code and symfony forms
To include the bundle in your Symfony 6.4 LTS or Symfony 7 project, run:
composer require stringkey/bit-magic-bundle
Create a new Symfony 6.4 LTS project
symfony new bit-bundle-test --version=lts
Include the minimum required bundles
composer require maker orm form validator twig-bundle security-csrf
Setup the database connection string, since the bundle works with standard integer types there should be no issues with any database create a .env.local file
cp .env .env.local
And create the database
php bin/console doctrine:database:create
Create an entity
php bin/console make:entity BitmaskTest
Add 2 integer properties and name them
- enableMask
- valueMask
After creating the entity, generate the migration and execute it
php bin/console doc:mig:diff
php bin/console doc:mig:mig
php bin/console make:crud BitmaskTest
Run the symfony development server
symfony serve
And navigate to http://localhost:8000/bitmask/test
When clicking new a form with 2 fields are shown, modify the code in: src/Form/BitmaskTestType.php
Don't forget to include the usages
use Stringkey\BitMagicBundle\Form\BitMaskType;
use Stringkey\BitMagicBundle\Utilities\BitOperations;
Modify the build form method
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options): void
$choices = BitOperations::createOptions(16, 0xffff); // creates the choice fields
/** @var BitmaskTest $bitmaskTest */
$bitmaskTest = $builder->getData(); // fetch the entity
$enableOption = ['enable_mask' => $bitmaskTest->getEnableMask(), 'choices' => $choices];
$builder->add('enableMask', BitMaskType::class, ['choices' => $choices]);
$builder->add('valueMask', BitMaskType::class, $enableOption);
Refresh the create page the form should now show 2 rows of checkboxes the top one controls which fields in the bottom row are enabled