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SCIpher is a program that can hide text messages within seemingly innocuous scientific conference advertisements. It is based on the context-free grammar used in SCIgen, but instead of randomly piecing together sentences, it uses your input message to control the text it generates. Then, given SCIpher output, it can recover the original message by reverse-engineering the choices made at encoding-time.

One useful purpose for such a program is to communicate secret messages that don't look like secret messages. Encrypted emails, for example, might signal to snoopers that you are an interesting person who bears investigation. However, in our experience when you send out a Call for Papers (CFP) announcement, it's very unlikely that anyone will read it.

In addition, you can use these context-free CFPs to solicit submissions to your very own academic conference. If WMSCI could do it, why not you?

A note on security

Encoding is not the same as encryption. If you encode a plaintext message, anyone with access to SCIpher can recover your message given the encoding. If what you are sending is truly secret, please encrypt is first using PGP or some other method. That way, your message is safe, and at the same time, anyone on the lookout for encrypted messages may not notice it.



There are two ways to run SCIpher.

Script mode

The simplest way is using the encoder/decoder scripts directly:

echo "This is a secret" | ./

This will print your encoded message on stdout (and print the random seed on stderr -- see below). Let's say you saved the stdout in a file called 'msg.txt'. Decode it simply with:

cat msg.txt | ./

Daemon mode

The above method is a little slow, because it has to load and parse the full grammar each time the script runs. If you will be encoding or decoding many messages, it might make sense to run it as a daemon:

./ --socket /tmp/scipherd.sock --workers 2

This starts a SCIpher daemon (not a real, backgrounded daemon though, just a regular process) listening on a Unix domain socket, with two worker threads. You can encode and decode messages almost just as before, but faster:

echo "This is a secret" | ./ --socket /tmp/scipherd.sock | ./ --socket /tmp/scipherd.sock


  • Input messages must be 1 MB or less. Bigger messages must be split across multiple CFPs.
  • Input characters must have a Unicode code point of less than 256. Unfortunately this leaves out a good number of non-english special characters. We hope to fix this in the future.


Files and read from stdin and write to stdout by default, but they can both take --infile and --outfile parameters to use files instead.

Deterministic encoding

As explained below, encoding the same message multiple times results in different encodings. If you want to regenerate the same message deterministically ever time (perhaps for debugging), you can pass in --seed. During each encoding, if --seed is not given, the program picks one at random and prints it to stderr in case you need to generate the same encoding again.


You might want to direct your CFP receivers to a particular website, just like a real CFP. In that case, pass in --website and it will be done.

How it works

An unambiguous context-free grammar is simply a decision tree. At the top of the tree is a rule defining all the possible ways a document conforming to that grammar can be written. For example, let's say you want to write a grammar for essays that would be between 3 and 5 paragraphs long. You might have starting rules that looks like this:


Then, if you were given an essay that conforms to the grammar, you could parse it and figure out which of the above three rules was used to make that essay.

The insight here (which is not original to SCIpher) is that you can communicate information in your choice of rule. Let's say you wanted to tell your friend to meet you at 2 o'clock; you could send her an essay that has 4 paragraphs, and then she can parse it, see that it matches the 2nd rule, and understand that you are saying "2".

This is the essence for how SCIpher works. It uses an unambiguous context free grammar (cfp_header.cfg and cfp_body.cfg), consisting of a many rules like the above that describe the paragraphs, lists, sentences and words that together will form a CFP. When you input your secret message, the encoder breaks it up into a stream of 1s and 0s by converting each character in the message into its Unicode code point (some number less than 256, represented in 8 bits of binary). Then the encoder starts at the beginning of the grammar, and reads enough bits from the stream to unambiguously choose one of the starting rules. Then it repeats the process using all the subrules referenced in that rule, and so on, until all the bits have been used.

The decoder then parses the message to recover the decision tree used to generate the message, and recovers the binary representation of your message by figuring out which choice was used at each decision point, converting that into a number (like the "2" example above), and concatenating all those numbers together. Then each 8-bit sequence of bits is treated like a Unicode code point and changed back into a character. Simple!


Or maybe not so simple. Implementing the above scheme naively leads to some problems:

  • Each particular input message would generate the same encoding: This isn't a huge deal, but one of the goals of this project was to make funny CFPs. If someone generated one they didn't like, we'd like them to be able to try again with the same secret and get a different one. Also, if different people use the same input message, and send around the same encoding, it might make it easier to recognize and decode.
  • The grammar must never change: Both the sender and receiver need to have the exact same grammar. That meant once we unleashed this program, we would never be able to change the grammar, because messages encoded by the old version would be unreadable.
  • The recipient can't tell when the message ends: The encoder might run out of bits before it generates a complete message that conforms to the grammar. After that, what does it use to make choices? If it just picks randomly, how does the decoder know not to interpret those random choices as characters in the input message?
  • Either the grammar or the encodings would be very, very big: It turns out that this isn't a terribly efficient way of transmitting information. In the above example, you had to generate up to 5 paragraphs of text just to send a secret one-digit number to your friend! However, if you had 2^1024 possible starting rules, you could send 1024 bits of information with that first decision. Thus, either your grammar is large, or your encoded messages must be big.


We solve the first three of these issues by including a header with every message. This is the first line of the encoding (representing the "subject" line of the CFP). We use this header to convey some metadata about the message:

  1. A randomly-generated number that changes each time the same secret is encoded.
  2. The version of grammar that was used to generate the encoding.
  3. The length of the message

It would be easy enough to just prepend this information to the input secret and be done with it. However, remember that one of our goals here is to make sure the grammar can freely change, and if the part of the grammar that was used to encode this metadata changed in a future version, it would make it impossible to recover the metadata.

So, we instead pre-generated a list of possible conference names that isn't allowed to change (cfp_conf_names.txt). A particular conference's line number in the file corresponds to the numeric representation of the metadata for the encoding. There are nearly 4 million different conference names, which implies that all line numbers will have 21 bits. Here is how the encoder picks which 21 bits to use, in order to pick a conference name:

  • The random number, called a mask, between 0 and 255 is chosen by the encoder. This is the first 8 bits.
  • Each release of SCIpher with a different grammar will have a version number associated with it, between 0 and 255. The version number for the current grammar, XOR'd with the random mask, is the second 8 bits.
  • The final 5 bits are the least significant 5 bits of the length of the input secret.

We restrict input secrets to 1 MB in length, and so the length only has 15 other bits. Those bits (XOR'd with the mask) are used to pick the rest of the words in the header, according to the grammar in cfp_header.cfg. The mask is also XOR'd with all 8-bit sequences in the input secret.

The decoder can then pick the conference name out of the subject line, look it up in the list of conference names to get its line number, and from there figure out the mask, the version number, and part of the length. Then it can use the right grammar and the rest of the subject line to get the rest of the length.

Once it has the length, the decoder knows exactly when it has recovered enough bits from the encoding, and can ignore everything else.


The final issue above -- the size tradeoff between the grammar and the encoding -- requires a different tactic. Coming up with the rules for the grammar is very time-consuming, and it's just not practical to write an extremely large grammar by hand. Instead, we took advantage of one of the ridiculous aspects of CFPs -- long, repetitive lists. In real CFPs, there are often lists of program committee members, topics, past conference locations, etc. We figured that we could use these lists to not only encode many bits from the input secret, but also to make the encodings funnier by having ridiculously long lists in some cases. So, we came up with a number of different lists that can be lengthened indefinitely, and tried to pack them with rules that used a lot of bits (names and locations chosen from very large lists, for example). The lists are made up of a recursive rules, plus one final non-recursive rule that will end the list whenever it's used.

The trick is deciding when to end a list. We don't just want the bits of the input secret to randomly happen upon the non-recursive, list-ending rule -- this would lead to wildly varying list sizes, and make the CFP look kind of weird. (E.g., you could have a list with thousands of PC members, and then a list with just two conference topics.) It would be nice to keep the lists somewhat balanced -- in our opinion, this is both more realistic and funnier, since it is less distracting.

So, for each list, the encoder and decoder agree on a weight for that list, which is essentially the percentage of the total input secret length that the encoder will use when generating the list. Once it uses that many bits, it will pick the non-recursive rule and move on. With one notable exception: the final list must keep going until it's used the entire message, otherwise you run the risk of the grammar ending before you have finished encoding the message.

Since the decoder has the same weights, it can figure out exactly which choices within a list are part of the input secret, and which are not.


You might note that the conference name itself can appear in the CFP. How can that work, if the body is generated according to the (masked) bits of the input text, and must follow such a rigid structure? Well, basically we cheat: the grammar definition uses a special rule name, CFP_CONF_NAME, that does not resolve to any rules. Then, after the encoding is done, there is a second pass over the output to substitute the conference name from the header everywhere that rule appears. The decoder does the reverse substitution before it does a full parsing on the encoding.

We use the same trick for dates. We wanted the dates in the CFP to be in the near future, so the CFP would look more realistic. So the grammar itself generates a special rule where the dates should be, and then the encoder fills those in after the fact, making sure to pick nearby, monotonically-increasing dates for each subsequent substitution.

Making changes to the grammar

The grammar should follow these guidelines:

  • It must be unambiguous -- there can never be multiple ways to parse a particular encoding.
    • This includes a rule having duplicate productions.
    • and are useful ways to help ensure your grammar is unambiguous and complete.
  • For each rule, it is most efficient to have 2^n+1 productions, where n is an integer that is greater or equal to 1. For example, if you have 22 productions for a given rule, 5 of them are wasted (22-(2^4+1)) because they won't be used to encode the bits of the input secret.
    • The extra (+1) production is used to indicate the end of a list, and is only needed for historical reasons. We can probably do without it now and just have 2^n productions for every rule, but that will be future work.


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