A full-stack Twitter clone app built using Node.js, Express.js, React.js, and MongoDB.
The project was created to test the the experience level Selenium
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine.
Make sure you have a running MongoDB instance.
you must have an intance of MongoDB running on you computer to run the application.
Please follow the steps below to install the MongoDB Community Edition (If you need to install Install Xcode Command-Line Tools it could take up to 20 minutes)
Copy the server/.env.example
file to server/.env
and update the values if your configuration is different than the default.
Install server dependencies
$ cd server
$ npm install
Install client dependencies
$ cd client
$ npm install
brew services start [email protected]
$ cd server
$ npm run dev
`use npm audit fix'
If everything was successful, you should see the messages being displayed in the terminal, telling that the server has successfully connected to a MongoDB and runs on a given port.
$ cd client
$ npm start
Now, the app should be running on http://localhost:3000