📺: Project Overview
📺: Learning Goals
📺: Deployment
📺: Planning
📺: Contributors
With the multitudes of TV shows coming and going across multiple streaming platforms, it can be hard to keep track of all of the shows being recommended to you. Streamr organizes your recommended shows in one place and provides their streaming details for your convenience. Users can send recommendations to each other and make discoveries by browsing through the database of TV shows. Users can then save shows to their watchlist in order to view the details later.
- Gain experience using continuous integration tools to build and automate the deployment of features
- Focus on communication between front-end and back-end teams in order to complete and deploy features that have been outlined by the project spec
- Gain experience dividing applications into components and domains of responsibilities to facilitate multi-developer teams. Service oriented architecture concepts and patterns are highly encouraged.
- Collaborate with the Backend team to develop a polished product that best represents our MVP.
- Learn the pipeline process by incorporating CircleCI as part of our workflow.
- Research and implement GraphQL to access a variety of data without over or under fetching.
Username: martha_stewart
Password: streamr
Github project board
Miro Board
Courtney Lippman | James White | Kiko Pausch | Madeline Mauser | Sam Rice | Sean Culliton | William Wang | Kathleen Brandt (Project Manager) |
Hemesh Patel (Project Mentor) |