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StratoCyberLab is an offline security cyber range to test your knowledge and capabilities on cybersecurity. It was developed by the Stratosphere Laboratory with two primary goals:

  • To setup local-only security environments for remote students of Introduction to Security class to follow weekly classes.
  • To allow anyone to run local-only realistic cyber range to practice attacking & defending skills in the form of challenges (think HackTheBox but local in your computer!)


See a demo video on Youtube!


  • Local-only. No internet is required after download. No cloud. No tracking. No login. No data collection.
  • Many cybersecurity exercises in a form of 'challenges'.
  • Predefined environments of networks and services for remote students of Introduction to Security class
  • The lab runs using docker containers on a shared virtual network(s)
  • A container is created for the user to start from. You can install any tool you want without modifying your own host computer.
  • A web interface to manage the challenges and play.
  • All the challenges can be played from the web interface using the built-in WebSSH terminal.
  • AI-assisted. The web interface has a local LLM (using ollama) to assist in your hacking. You can change the model used.



Resource consumption depends a lot on the user actions. We do not recommend starting all challenges at once as this may require a lot compute by generating a lot of network traffic and starting many services.

However, we estimate the minium requirements to be 3GB of disk space and 2GB of spare RAM. (Note that downloading the LLM model will require extra 5GB of disk space)


The only requirement to run StratoCyberLab is to have docker (v>20.10) installed.

How to start

To start the lab do:

git clone
cd stratocyberlab
docker compose up

This uses the already prepared docker-compose.yml file.

After the lab bootstraps, navigate in your browser to to access a lab's dashboard.

The dashboard contains:

  • Predefined environments for each weekly class of Introduction to Security class for remote students
  • List of standalone hacking challenges
    • Challenges are divided by difficulty into 3 categories EASY, MEDIUM, HARD
    • Each challenge has multiple tasks.
    • Tasks are solved by finding a flag (usually in a format BSY{...}) and submitting the flag in the dashboard.
    • Each challenge must be individually started from the dashboard before playing
  • Chat with a local AI assistant using llama3 model
    • Usage and downloading of the model is optional and can be initiated from the dashboard. By default no model is downloaded.
  • Built-in SSH web shell to interact with deployed services in the lab
    • The SSH connection is made to a hackerlab container.
    • If preferred, you can connect directly using SSH from your terminal to the hackerlab container with command ssh [email protected] -p 2222 and password ByteThem123


Q: I pulled new updates but the lab is running the old version.

A: Depending on the changes, sometimes it's required to force docker to re-build the containers. Please run the lab using a command docker compose up --build

Q: I see REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION warning when trying to SSH into the hackerlab container

A: The ID of hackerlab container is re-generated when the container is recreated. Add -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null option to your SSH command to fix the issue.

Q: I have a windows OS and the challenges are not working correctly for me

A: Git for Windows puts CRLF line endings to checkout files by default which may break some desinged functionality. Please either replace all the CRLF line endings with LF or set this behaviour globally to your git using these commands (note that you have to re-clone the repository again after making this change to take effect)

git config --global core.autocrlf false
git config --global core.eol lf


We appreciate all PRs with new challenges or bug fixes.

Please refer to a separate Development documentation at ./docs/

Documentation on adaptations

If you want to use a new LLM model follow the instructions here

Connection Architecture

The diagram of connectivity and IP address of all containers is ./docs/