CirrusMain Nightly |
Stratis is an implementation of the Bitcoin protocol in C# on the .NET Core platform.
The node can run on the Bitcoin and Stratis networks.
Stratis Bitcoin is based on the NBitcoin project.
For Proof of Stake support on the Stratis token the node is using NStratis which is a POS implementation of NBitcoin.
.NET Core is an open source cross platform framework and enables the development of applications and services on Windows, macOS and Linux.
Join our community on discord.
A Modular Approach
A Blockchain is made of many components, from a FullNode that validates blocks to a Simple Wallet that track addresses. The end goal is to develop a set of Nuget packages from which an implementer can cherry pick what he needs.
- NBitcoin
- Stratis.Bitcoin.Core - The bare minimum to run a pruned node.
- Stratis.Bitcoin.Store - Store and relay blocks to peers.
- Stratis.Bitcoin.MemoryPool - Track pending transaction.
- Stratis.Bitcoin.Wallet - Send and Receive coins
- Stratis.Bitcoin.Miner - POS or POW
- Stratis.Bitcoin.Explorer
Create a Blockchain in a .NET Core style programming
var node = new FullNodeBuilder()
We plan to add many more features on top of the Stratis Bitcoin blockchain: Sidechains, Private/Permissioned blockchain, Compiled Smart Contracts, NTumbleBit/Breeze wallet and more...
The master branch is actively developed and regularly committed to, and it can become unstable.
To compile a stable (production) release use any of the release tags form version 3.0.x.x and upwards.
git clone
cd StratisFullNode\src
dotnet build
To run on the StraxTest network:
cd Stratis.StraxD
dotnet run -testnet
Up for some blockchain development?
Check this guides for more info:
There is a lot to do and we welcome contributers developers and testers who want to get some Blockchain experience. You can find tasks at the issues/projects or visit the dev_general channel on discord.