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Defining Results

Jarret Byrne edited this page Jan 30, 2018 · 2 revisions

Creating A Result

In order to define a new result for a query, you must first create a new Result object. You can create a new Result object by calling Wye::makeResult().

use Stratedge\Wye\Wye;

$result = Wye::makeResult(); //Returns new Stratedge\Wye\Result object

Attaching A Result

A Result object is useless until it is attached to the Wye. Results are used in the order that they are attached, and they can be attached as many times as desired. More results can be attached than queries executed - the extras will not be used.

use Stratedge\Wye\Wye;

//The Result object can attach itself

//Alternatively, you can add the object directly to the Wye

Adding Rows To Result

Being able to define the rows that an executed query returns is probably the single most useful feature of Wye. When you control the rows that are returned, you can craft specific scenarios for testing.

There are a few options for defining rows on the Result object, allowing you to choose the methods you find easiest or most readable as you wish.

As Associative Array

Rows defined as an associative array use keys for column names and values as column values.

Add Single Row

Adding a single row can be done by calling Result::addRow().

use Stratedge\Wye\Wye;

$result = Wye::makeResult();

$result->addRow(['type' => 'Pumper', 'apparatus' => 'Engine 8'])->attach();

//$result now has 1 row

You may call Result::addRow() multiple times - a new row is added with each call.

Add Multiple Rows

To bulk-add multiple rows in one call, you can use Result::addRows(). The method accepts one or more rows as individual arguments.

use Stratedge\Wye\Wye;

$result = Wye::makeResult();

    ['type' => 'Squad', 'apparatus' => 'Rescue 2'],
    ['type' => 'Quint', 'apparatus' => 'Ladder 3']

//$result now has 2 rows

As Indexed Array with Defined Columns

In order to use an indexed array to define one or more rows, the corresponding column names must be set separately since the indexed array doesn't have meaningful keys to use as column names.

Add Single Row

To add a single row as an indexed array, first define the columns with Result::setColumns(), and then pass your indexed array to Result::addRow().

use Stratedge\Wye\Wye;

$result = Wye::makeResult();

//2 ways to define columns...
$result->setColumns('type', 'apparatus'); //Columns defined as individual parameters
$result->setColumns(['type', 'apparatus'); //Or columns defined in an indexed array

//With columns defined, addRow() accepts an indexed array
$result->addRow(['Tender', 'Tanker 3'])->attach();

You may call Result::addRow() multiple times - a new row is added with each call.

Add Multiple Rows

To add multiple rows as indexed arrays, first define the columns with Result::setColumns(), and then pass your indexed arrays as individual parameters to Result::addRows().

use Stratedge\Wye\Wye;

$result = Wye::makeResult();

//2 ways to define columns...
$result->setColumns('type', 'apparatus'); //Columns defined as individual parameters
$result->setColumns(['type', 'apparatus'); //Or columns defined in an indexed array

//With columns defined, addRow() accepts an indexed array
    ['Tender', 'Tanker 3'],
    ['Pumper', 'Engine 6']

Set Last-Insert-ID

When inserting new rows with auto-incrementing primary keys, many database systems will allow you to get the ID of the last inserted row. Since Wye does not actually create any new rows, you can define an ID value yourself. Set the last-insert-ID for any results used for inserts with Result::setLastInsertId().

use Stratedge\Wye\Wye;

$result = Wye::makeResult();


//PDO::lastInsertId() will now return 54 for this result

Override Row Count

By default, when PDO::rowCount() is called the count of rows that have been defined on the Result object will be returned. If you wish to provide a specific number of rows, you can override that value with Result::setNumRows().

use Stratedge\Wye\Wye;

$result = Wye::makeResult();


//PDOStatement::rowCount() will now return 7 for this result