(guideline) A README file is included detailing all steps required to successfully run the application and outlines the optimizations that the student made in index.html and views/js/main.js for pizza.html.
Please go to this link below https://storymessinger.github.io/frontend-nanodegree-mobile-portfolio/
To see the optimization result,
- Use google pagespeed tool to inspect the speed of the page
- use the chrome dev tools to inspect the rendering speed :)
- async-ed the google analyics
- used image srcset for pizzeria.jpg for optimization
- optimized the size of pizza.jpg
- Inline-ed "style.css" of index.html
Compressed the css and js file using gzip by grunt-compress- Found out its not gzip but 'minifing' that should be done. Minified.
- FSL problem solved with Pizza-Sliders
- FSL problem solved related with moving pizza background
- querySelector to getElementsByClassname
- Use javascript and var with css3 transform:translateX
- Use backface-visibility: hidden;
- Optimizing Performance
- Analyzing the Critical Rendering Path
- Optimizing the Critical Rendering Path
- Avoiding Rendering Blocking CSS
- Optimizing JavaScript
- Measuring with Navigation Timing. We didn't cover the Navigation Timing API in the first two lessons but it's an incredibly useful tool for automated page profiling. I highly recommend reading.
- The fewer the downloads, the better
- Reduce the size of text
- Optimize images
- HTTP caching
The portfolio was built on Twitter's Bootstrap framework. All custom styles are in dist/css/portfolio.css
in the portfolio repo.