Vue 3 plugin for Storinka.
yarn add @storinka/cafe-vue
// main.js
import { createApp } from "vue";
import { createStorinka } from "@storinka/cafe-vue";
const app = createApp();
const storinka = createStorinka({
apiUrl: "",
// App.vue
<div class="app">
<div v-if="$storinka.state.isLoading">
<div v-else>
{{ $ }}
export default {
created() {
this.$storinka.setCafe("kava-gallery", "uk");
- Type:
string | undefined
- Default:
- Type:
string | undefined
- Default:
- Type:
string | undefined
- Examples:
Current domain.
- Type:
string[] | undefined
Additional Storinka's domains.
- Type:
boolean | undefined
Keep cart state in storage.
- Type:
boolean | undefined
Keep language in storage.
- Type:
boolean | undefined
Keep orders in storage after checkout.
- Type:
boolean | undefined
Keep reviews in storage.
- Type:
boolean | undefined
Load skin config after cafe was loaded.
- Type:
StorinkaImagePlaceholdersOption | undefined
Provide image placeholders.
- Type:
StorinkaAnalyticsOptions | undefined
Analytics options.
Current state which contains info about current cafe.
- cafe object; type:CafeResultV3 | undefined
- id by which the cafe was loaded; type:string | undefined
- is cafe currently loading; type:boolean
- : current language; type:string
- skin config; type:any | undefined
Cart state object. Type: Cart
Check for more info.
Storage instance. Type: StorinkaStorage
Analytics instance. Type: StorinkaAnalytics
- Result:
Invoke a function.
- Result:
Sets current cafe by id. Id can be hash id, slug or domain.
If you are using a domain as id, you must add dollar sign (
) as prefix to it. Example:$
- Result:
Sets language for current cafe.
- Result:
Load skin config.
getMenu(menuId: number | string): MenuResultV3 | undefined;
getCategory(categoryId: number | string): CategoryResultV3 | undefined;
getDish(dishId: number | string): DishResultV3 | undefined;
getDishByVariant(variantId: number): DishResultV3 | undefined;
getDishDefaultVariant(dishOrId: number | DishResultV3): DishVariantResultV3 | undefined;
getDishDiscount(dish: DishResultV3): DiscountResultV3 | null | undefined;
getVariant(variantId: number): DishVariantResultV3 | undefined;
getOption(optionId: number): OptionResultV3 | undefined;
getOptionByItem(optionItemId: number): OptionResultV3 | undefined;
getOptionItem(optionItemId: number): OptionItemResultV3 | undefined;
getTag(tagId: number | string): TagResultV3 | undefined;
getDiscount(discountId: number): DiscountResultV3 | undefined;
getAdvertisement(advertisementId: number | string): AdvertisementResultV3 | undefined;
getSet(setId: number): SetResultV3 | undefined;
getMenuCategories(menuOrId: number | MenuResultV3): CategoryResultV3[];
getCategoryDishes(categoryOrId: number | CategoryResultV3): DishResultV3[];
getDishTags(dishOrId: number | DishResultV3): TagResultV3[];
getAppPath(path: string): string;
getMenuPath(menu: MenuResultV3): string;
getCategoryPath(menu: MenuResultV3, category: CategoryResultV3): string;
getDishPath(menu: MenuResultV3, category: CategoryResultV3, dish: DishResultV3): string;
getItemProperId(item: ItemWithSlugOrHashId): string;
checkItemId(item: ItemWithSlugOrHashId, id: string | number): boolean;
getCartTotal(): number;
getCartTotalAfterDiscounts(): number;
getCartItems(): CartItem[];
makeCartItem(orderItem: OrderItemInputV3): CartItem;
isDishInCart(dish: DishResultV3): boolean;
checkDeliveryAddress(lat: number, lng: number): Promise<DeliveryZoneResultV2 | null>;
checkout(cleanItems: boolean = true): Promise<MadeOrderResultV2>;
getLocalOrders(): OrderResultV2[];
getBrowserLanguage(): string;
getSupportedLanguages(): Promise<SupportedLanguageV2[]>;
getPriceAfterDiscount(price: number, discount: DiscountResultV3): number;
isCustomDomain(domain?: string): boolean;
sendReview(params: SendReviewParams): Promise<ReviewResultV3>;
getDishImageUrl(dishOrId: DishResultV3 | number, size?: number): string;
getCategoryImageUrl(categoryOrId: CategoryResultV3 | number, size?: number): string;
getMenuImageUrl(menuOrId: MenuResultV3 | number, size?: number): string;
getSizedImageUrl(url: string, size?: number): string;
getCurrentAddress(): CafeAddressResultV3 | undefined;
Types declarations are located here: src/types.ts