Provides a dual-authentication filesystem driver for Laravel. The built-in sftp driver supports key-based login and password-based login, but not both at the same time. This driver provides that capability.
Install with composer:
composer require stickee/laravel-sftp-dual-auth
If you don't use auto-discovery, add the SftpDualAuthServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php
You can noew use sftp_dual_auth as a disk driver in config/filesystems.php
'disks' => [
'local' => [
'driver' => 'local',
'root' => storage_path('app'),
'my_dual_auth' => [
'driver' => 'sftp_dual_auth',
'host' => env('MY_SFTP_HOST'),
'username' => env('MY_SFTP_USERNAME'),
'password' => env('MY_SFTP_PASSWORD'),
'privateKey' => env('MY_SFTP_PRIVATE_KEY'),
'root' => env('MY_SFTP_ROOT', ''),
See the League Flysystem SFTP documentation (GitHub) for information on the configuration options.