Directive for filtering list of items for Angular1. You can easy take list of objects, choose value of property for comparison, input text in the input control and you get the appropriate filtered list of objects.
- listSource - collection
- listFiltered - output filtered collection
- filterterKeys - array of key with name of field. It is the fields which will compare with inputed value
and etc.filtered-keys="['key', 'key.subKey']"
- placeholder - placeholder
- ngModel - ngModel
npm install --save stf-input-list-filter
import "stf-input-list-filter/src/input-list-filter.scss";
import { InputListFilterDirective } from "stf-input-list-filter";
angular.module("app", ["pascalprecht.translate",])
.constant('STF_INPUT_LIST_FILTER_THROTTLE_TIME', 100) // throtle time of reaction on editing
.directive('stfInputListFilter', InputListFilterDirective.Factory)
<stf-input-list-filter ng-model="value" placeholder="Filter" list-source="$ctrl.addresses" limit="50" list-filtered="$ctrl.addressFiltered" filterter-keys="['description']"></stf-input-list-filter>
<li ng-repeat="address in $ctrl.addressFiltered track by">{{address.description}}</li>