3rd attempt at getting out a good release (or 4th for those of you who saw me briefly publish this release and then delete it again).
Me making mistakes during the release process is not unprecedented I might add (looking over my release history).
For this release I downgraded System.Collections.Immutable version requirements. I previously raised it to version 9.0.0 for no reason other than hey it's newer so must be better right? This pointless upgrade in dependency version requirements meant that if you are compiling a custom code analyzer you have to reference version 9 of System.Collections.Immutable as well, which may not be possible because you are dependent on the version the compiler loaded when it runs your analyzer, and so your custom code analyzer fails to load leaving you anxiously searching stackoverflow trying to work out why the version 9.0.0 System.Collections.Immutable.dll can't be loaded. At least I caught this early, earlier than the previous release would have been better, but the previous release was a Friday job, and I was tired. Hopefully this release, 2 days before Christmas, is more successful.