Clone this repo or download the zip file to your local machine or a web server.
- HTTP Server. For example: Apache. mod_rewrite is preferred, but by no means required.
- PHP 7.0
- MySQL (4 or greater)
├── ...
├── cake # All backend code here (using cakePHP MVC framework)
│ ├── app # Where we write the project backend functions
│ ├── ...
│ ├── Config # Find all cakephp app config files here
│ ├── ...
│ ├── database.php # Set up the database connection here
│ ├── Controller # Edit and create controller class (restAPI) in this folder
│ ├── Model # Edit and create model class in this folder
│ ├── Plugin
│ ├── Upload # File upload plugin for cakePHP, a third party lib, no need to edit.
│ ├── webroot
│ ├── ...
│ ├── files # Where we put all the users' uploaded files
│ ├── ...
│ └── .htaccess # URL rewrite file for linux
│ └── Web.config # URL rewrite file for winodws server
├── iu2016 # All frontend code here (no frontend framework now)
│ ├── css # Style sheets folder
│ ├── img # Default graphics folder
│ └── js # JS file folder
│ └── app.js # Main javascript file of the application
│ └── libs # Third Party libraraies
│ └── test # RestAPI testing
│ └── index.html # index html of the application
├── info.php # show PHP's configuration
step by step tutorial:
I took the lazy way out. I used the Web Platform Installer to make things easier:
- Download Web Platform Installer:
- Open Web Platform Installer.
- Search for PHP.
- Click Add for "PHP7.0.15(x86)", "Windwos Cache Extension 2.0(x86) for PHP 7.0" and "PHP Manager for IIS".
- Click Install.
This will download a stable version of PHP 7.0 and configure IIS to be able to handle PHP files.
- Downlaod MySQL Installer for Windows:
- Open MySQL Installer.
- Click Add for "MySQL Server", "MySQL Workbench" and "Connector/NET".
- Step by step installation info:
I used MySQL Workbench to make things easier:
- Open MySQL Workbench.
- Create a new MySQL Connection to the local database:
- Import IU Data to local database:
- Under Server Administration on the Home window select the server instance you want to restore database to (Create New Server Instance if doing it first time).
- Click on Manage Import/Export. <br/>
- Click on Data Import/Restore on the left side of the screen. <br/>
- Select Import from Self-Contained File radio button (right side of screen). <br/>
- Select the path of .sql file (** /cake/app/webroot/biy20170225.sql**) <br/>
- Click Start Import button at the right bottom corner of window. <br/>
Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager:
Expand the folder with the name of the computer.
Click on Sites.
On the right select Add Web Site…
Select a name and a hostname (perhaps just localhost). Click the … beside physical path and select the root of your IU project folder (where you unzip the downloaded zip file or clone this repo).
Enable URL Rewirtes(aka pretty urls): open the Web Platform Installer again, search Rewirte, click Add for URL Rewirte 2.0, click Install.
Create Web.config file (No need to create new, we have it in the /cake folder).
Set up database connection: open dtatabase.php file in the folder "/cake/app/Config", find class DATABASE_CONFIG, edit 'host' and 'password' to match your local database address and password.
Change appConfig in app.js: open app.js file in the folder "/iu2016/js/", at line 5, change 'apiUrl' value to your server address which you have set in the IIS manager.
At this point you could open your local server address in a browser to test the project. (example: localhost:8080/iu2016 )
Step by step tutorial:
Step by step tutorial:
Also please read:
Same step as above in Windows IIS part.
More info please read:
Open your server only locally,To do that edit the file /etc/hosts and add at the end of the file mysite
Replace "mysite" for the name of your site and reload apache
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
You can access to http://mysite from any computer in your home network
Set up database connection: open dtatabase.php file in the folder "/cake/app/Config", find class DATABASE_CONFIG, edit 'host' and 'password' to match your local database address and password.
Change appConfig in app.js: open app.js file in the folder "/iu2016/js/", at line 5, change 'apiUrl' value to your server address which you have added for your ubuntu server.
At this point you could open your local server address in a browser to test the project. (example: mysite/iu2016 )
No test here, to be continued...
To understand the codes, please read wiki pages as below:
(There will be more references on the wiki pages in the future.)
##I want to work on this branch - Brent S