A simple CLI tool to make the apps able to do auto update.
The dependencies of this project are
#How to build them
Community already build it for us, just download the installer suit your os and compiler.
Include the sources files
- file_compressor.cpp
- folder_compressor.cpp
into your make file
clone the codes by github, include the QsLog.pri in .pro file
#How to use it
This program use xml files and text file to indicate the component you want to update and remove.It will compare local xml file (update_info_local.xml) and remote xml file(update_info_remote.xml) to determine which component should update.
- Create a file called "update_info_local.xml", this file should contain the informations of different components you want to update and at the same folder of the auto_update binary.
- Create a file called "update_info_remote.xml", this file should contain the informations of different components you want to update, place at the remote server specify by "update_info_local.xml".
- Create a file called "file_list.txt", specify the location(on remote server) of the erase_list.txt
- Ceate a file called "erase_list.txt" at remote server, this file should contain the absolute paths of the files/folders you want to delete.
- (Optional) Specify the absolute path of the app you want to start after the update are finished.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--Repository group the informations of a component, you must specify-->
<!--the Url, Version, Unzip, CopyTo and DisplayName-->
<!--Url specify the location of the component-->
<!--If the version number of local older than remote server, it will update the component from-->
<!--the remote server, the component will catch from the Url-->
<!--Name of the component-->
<!--Specify decompress method, empty mean it is raw data, qcompress_folder means it should-->
<!--decompress by the decompress class of qt_enhance, qcompress_file means it should decompress by qUncompress-->
<!-- Indicate the component should copy to where, $${PARENT} equal to the parent path of auto_update-->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--Repository group the informations of a component, you must specify-->
<!--the Url, Version, Unzip, CopyTo and DisplayName-->
<!--version number of remote must larger than local file, else the components will not updated-->
<!--If the version number of update_info lower or equal to local one, all of the components will not update-->
<!--This component did not specify in the update_info_local.xml, so this component will be updated-->
erase_list https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/23e7v210wyzvtms/erase_list.txt?dl=0
First column is the name(key) of the file, erase_list means the file pointed by the url(second column) stored the absolute path of the files/folders you want to delete.By now file_list.txt only support one type of file(erase_list), in the future I may add more.
Every line of the erase_list.txt is the absolute path of the file/folder you want to delete
##Command line examples
Update the apps without restart
Update the apps with auto restart
auto_update -a $${PARENT}/similar_vision
Check the app need to update or not based on the version number of of update_info(DisplayName) in update_local_info.xml and update_remote_info.xml
auto_update -n
You can use it in your program by detecting the response of stdout
QString const app_dir_path = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath();
QProcess process;
struct kill_process
kill_process(QProcess *p) : process_(p) {}
~kill_process() { process_->kill(); }
QProcess *process_;
kill_process kp(&process);
process.start(app_dir_path + "/auto_updater/auto_updater",
QString const process_output(process.readAll());
if(process_output.contains("need to update")){
qDebug()<<"can update";
qDebug()<<"can not update";
Show help
auto_update --help
Do not support authentication, however I do not think this is a big deal, because this tool is designed for open source project.
If you found any bugs or any features request, please open the issue at github. I will try to solve them when I have time.
auto_updater is free and open-source software, it is released under the DBAD license.