Adapter Formats: Google Cloud Function, AWS Lambda and Docker
Supported Endpoints: exchanges, assets, symbols, exchangerate, ohlcv, trades, quotes
Unsupported Endpoints: subscriptions
API Mapping: A path
parameter has been introduced to specify historical/current/latest/ for certain endpoints
Make the bash script executable
chmod +x ./create_zip.bsh
Create the adapter zip for your cloud provider ( gcs or aws )
./create_zip.bsh aws
Upload the created zip to your provider and set the appropriate handler ( gcs_handler or aws_handler ) to be triggered by a HTTP event.
Create an API_KEY environment variable and set it to your api key
Build the image
docker build -t coinapi-cl-ea .
Run the container while passing in your API_KEY
docker run -e API_KEY=XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXX -p 5000:5000 coinapi-cl-ea
The adapter endpoint will be accessable from http://localhost/:5000/coinapi-cl-ea
Chainlink normalises all api parameters to camelcase ( eg assetIdBase will map to asset_id_base in the actual api query)
"initiators": [
"type": "web",
"params": {
"tasks": [
"type": "coinapi-cl-ea-docker",
"confirmations": 0,
"params": {
"endpoint": "exchangerate",
"assetIdBase": "BTC",
"assetIdQuote": "USD"
"startAt": null,
"endAt": null
"id": "ceda5ccb18ee4effacacff3a451cfdd3",
"jobId": "c0b6ebcf849b4ca7b7e14c3cc682bf27",
"result": {
"jobRunId": "ceda5ccb18ee4effacacff3a451cfdd3",
"data": {
"assetIdBase": "BTC",
"assetIdQuote": "USD",
"endpoint": "exchangerate",
"rate": 3440.9833656611113,
"time": "2018-12-10T21:48:03.9455953Z"
"status": "completed",
"error": null
"status": "completed",
"taskRuns": [
"id": "33ac1506792640579034f6d770b89221",
"result": {
"jobRunId": "ceda5ccb18ee4effacacff3a451cfdd3",
"data": {
"assetIdBase": "BTC",
"assetIdQuote": "USD",
"endpoint": "exchangerate",
"rate": 3440.9833656611113,
"time": "2018-12-10T21:48:03.9455953Z"
"status": "completed",
"error": null
"status": "completed",
"task": {
"type": "coinapi-cl-ea-docker",
"confirmations": 0,
"params": {
"assetIdBase": "BTC",
"assetIdQuote": "USD",
"endpoint": "exchangerate"
"minimumConfirmations": 0
"createdAt": "2018-12-10T21:48:03.822052017Z",
"completedAt": "2018-12-10T21:48:03.97080798Z",
"creationHeight": null,
"observedHeight": null,
"overrides": {
"jobRunId": "",
"data": {
"status": "",
"error": null
"initiator": {
"type": "web",
"params": {
contains example payloads for all supported endpoints, paths and their parameters.
Full documentation for API can be found here