A Ruby wrapper for the Producteev REST API
Supports all the API methods. If i have missed any let me know. More information on the API can be found at http://code.google.com/p/producteev-api/wiki/methodsDescriptions#Summary
I need to write some tests i know, but if you feel like doing it just raise a merge request.
Install the gem by issuing
gem install producteev
or put it in your Gemfile and run bundle install
gem "producteev"
Create a new client instance
require 'rubygems'
require 'producteev'
#no debug
producteevclient = Producteev.new("api_key_from_producteev","api_secret_from_producteev")
producteevclient = Producteev.new("api_key_from_producteev","api_secret_from_producteev",true)
Login in as a user
client1 = producteevclient.login("username","password")
client2 = producteevclient.login("username1","password1")
Get the server time
Get as list of tasks
Get as list of lables
Dashboards, users and activities can also be used in the same way. Please note all httparty exceptions you will have to deal with. All function calls return a hash.