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This is the official website for ScrollBar at the IT University of Copenhagen.

Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation

Official website and members platform for

Production (main branch)

Change to when domain settings have been changes

Test (develop branch)



Suggested extensions for enhanced development experience:

  • dbaeumer.vscode-eslint
  • esbenp.prettier-vscode
  • jpoissonnier.vscode-styled-components
  • davidanson.vscode-markdownlint

Guidelines to contribute

Remember to checkout on a new branch when making changes. The naming convention is to prefix with feature/ when you make an enhancement or fix/ when you fix a bug.

Example when creating a count down timer: checkout -b feature/count-down.

Create a PR to develop when ready for review. You can indicate work in progress by adding the prefix WIP or 🚧 to the PR title.

A preview url will be generated for each PR. When merged into the develop branch, changes will be deployed to

Always make sure that your code is properly linted according to the rules defined in .prettierrc.js and .eslintrc.js. Run yarn lint:fixto run the linter on the entire directory.

Steps to set up local development environment

  1. Create a firebase project and populate a local .env file with the environment variables. See .env.example

  2. Go to your firebase console

  3. Enable e-mail authentication

  4. Activate your firestore database in the eu-west region

  5. Create a collection named invites and add a document with your email as the id. Create a boolean field named registered with the value false.

  6. Run yarn install && yarn start

  7. Navigate to https://localhost:3000/register and sign up

  8. Go back to your firestore database and change the isAdmin value to true in the recently created document in the users collection

  9. Sign in at https://localhost:3000/login

  10. Happy coding...


This is the official website for ScrollBar at the IT University of Copenhagen.






Contributors 3
