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This is a repository containing formal proofs about the Stellar Consensus Protocol as described in the paper "Fast and secure global payments with Stellar" (SOSP 2019).

Using Isabelle/HOL, we formalize the theory of Federated Byzantine Agreement Systems (FBAS) and we prove two main results: the cascade theorem and that the union of two intact sets is intact.

Using Ivy, we formalize SCP in a high-level, non-executable specification, and we prove that members of intertwined sets never disagree (SCP's main safety property) and some liveness properties.

NOTE: For the old proofs, checkout commit 803b345 . The repository at this commit contains a full liveness proof. However, being written in Ivy 1.6, it has a lot of hacks. The current, newer version of this repository contains proofs written in Ivy 1.7.

Isabelle/HOL proofs

FBA.thy contains a formalization of the notion of intact set. Roughly speaking, a set I is intact when (a) I is a quorum, and (b) even if all nodes outside I are faulty, any two quorums of members of I intersect.

We prove that:

  1. The cascade theorem holds: if I is an intact set, Q is a quorum of a member of I, and Q⊆S, then either I⊆S or there is a member of I−S that is blocked by S∩I.
  2. The union of two intersecting intact sets is intact. This implies that maximal intact sets are disjoint.

Note that there two major differences compared to the treatment in the Stellar Whitepaper:

  1. We do not assume that the FBAS enjoys quorum intersection. Thus there may be disjoint intact sets that diverge but nevertheless remain internally safe and live. Point 2 above implies that maximal intact sets are disjoint, and that an FBA system is a collection of disjoint maximal intact sets.
  2. We use a new, more abstract definition of quorum for the analysis. A quorum is a set Q such that all well-behaved members of Q have a slice in Q.

Note that the new definition of quorum only relies on the slices of well-behaved nodes, which seems natural since faulty nodes can arbitrarily change their slices, whereas the original definition of quorum used the slices of faulty nodes too.

We use this new definition of quorum only for the analysis of the system. In reality, nodes do not know who is faulty and thus cannot use this new definition of quorum, and instead just check for sets whose members all have a slice inside the set. The abstraction we make here is safe because any set that is deemed a quorum by a node in reality is also a quorum in the abstract definition that we use for our analysis. Moreover, the two definitions coincide exactly when we consider only well-behaved nodes.

To browse and check FBA.thy with Isabelle, use Isabelle 2019. The file output/document.pdf is a PDF version of FBA.thy.

There is also a maintained version of the theory of FBAS and more in the Archive of Formal Proofs:

Comments on the Isabelle/HOL proofs

The proofs do not follow the presentation of the Stellar Whitepaper. They are simpler due to the reformulation of the notion of quorum.

To prove the cascade theorem, we assume by contradiction that I is not a subset of S but no member of S−I is blocked by S∩I. In this situation, we note that I−S is a quorum of a member of I in the projection of the system on I. Moreover, Q is also a quorum of a member of I in the projection of the system on I. Thus, by the quorum intersection property of I, Q and I−S must intersect. This is clearly impossible since Q is a subset of S, and we have reached a contradiction.

To prove that the union of two intersecting intact set is intact, we reason as follows. Take two intersecting intact sets I₁ and I₂. First, note that I₁∪I₂ is trivially a quorum, and thus we have quorum availability.

It remains to show that I₁∪I₂ enjoys quorum intersection. Take a set Q₁ that is a quorum of a member of I₁ in the system projected on I₁∪I₂ and a quorum Q₂ that is a quorum of a member of I₂ in the system projected on I₁∪I₂. We must show that Q₁ and Q₂ intersect in I₁∪I₂. First note that I₂ is a quorum in the system projected on I₁ and, by assumption, I₁∩I₂≠{}. Moreover, Q₁ is a quorum in the system projected on I₁ and I₁ is intact. Thus, by the quorum intersection property of intact sets, (a) I₂ and Q₁ intersect. Moreover, (b) both Q₁ and Q₂ are quorums in the system projected on I₂. Because I₂ is intact, by the quorum intersection property, we get from (a) and (b) that Q₁ and Q₂ intersect in I₂, and we are done.

Ivy proofs

This repository contains a proof of SCP's safety property in Ivy (isolate protocol.intertwined_safety in SCP.ivy) and of some of SCP's liveness properties.

Running the proofs

To run the proof (that is, to have Ivy check them), run the following commands (on Linux) from the root of this repository:

docker compose build ivy-check
docker compose run --rm ivy-check

Background material to understand the model and proofs

  • To understand the model and safety proofs:

    • Padon, Oded, et al. Paxos made EPR: decidable reasoning about distributed protocols. Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 1.OOPSLA (2017): 108. (available on arXiv).
  • To understand the liveness proofs:

    • Padon, Oded, et al. Temporal prophecy for proving temporal properties of infinite-state systems. 2018 Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design (FMCAD). IEEE, 2018.
    • Padon, O., Hoenicke, J., Losa, G., Podelski, A., Sagiv, M., & Shoham, S. (2017). Reducing liveness to safety in first-order logic. Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, 2(POPL), 26.

What is proved with Ivy?

The model

First, the proofs make statements about a model of SCP written in the Ivy language, and not about SCP's implementation or SCP's description in the Stellar Whitepaper. This model may not reflect what the reader think SCP is, and what SCP is may be open to interpretation since there is not agreed-upon formal specification. The model in SCP.ivy could in principle be taken as the formal specification of SCP.

Caveat 1: Discrepancies between the SCP model and any other notion of what SCP is would imply that the statements proved with Ivy may not apply to that other notion of what SCP is.

The model consists of an initial state and a collection of actions, which are atomic steps that update the global state of the system. Actions model what nodes do upon receiving messages or upon timers firing. Each action consists of preconditions (expressed using require statements) and state updates. An execution of the model is a sequence of global states, starting with the initial state, and such that each successive state is obtained from the preceding state by applying an action whose preconditions are satisfied. This is an instance of Lamport's Standard Model, used e.g. in TLA+, which Lamport discusses in his Turing Award lecture.

Preconditions and state updates are specified using First-Order Logic formulas. Note that, by convention, all free upper-case variables are taken to be universally quantified. For more details about specifying protocols in Ivy (and proving their safety), see the Ivy tutorial.

Caveat 2: It is easy to write a model that does nothing, e.g. because the preconditions of the actions are too strong or even contradictory, and, in this case, any proof is meaningless. One way to ensure that the model does do something is to prove liveness properties. For example, we might want to prove that, in every eventually synchronous execution, every intact node eventually confirms a value as committed. We discuss the liveness of SCP below.


The SCP model abstracts over several aspects of SCP.

Quorum slices

There is no notion of quorum slice in the model. Instead, we consider a set of nodes which each have a set of quorums and a notion of blocking set. We then define intertwined and intact sets using the following axioms:

  1. The intersection of two quorums of intertwined nodes contains a well-behaved node.
  2. The intersection of two quorums of intact nodes contains an intact node.
  3. The set of intact nodes is a quorum.
  4. If Q is a quorum of an intact node and if all members of Q have accepted (b,v) as prepared, then either all intact nodes have accepted (b,v) as prepared, or there is an intact node n such that n has not accepted (b,v) as prepared and n is blocked by a set of intact nodes that have all accepted (b,v) as prepared. This is an instance of the cascade theorem.
  5. If an intact node is blocked by a set of nodes S, then S contains an intact node. Properties 4 and 5 are proved in the Isabelle/HOL theory FBA.thy.

Caveat 3: If those axioms are inconsistent (i.e. lead to a contradiction when taken together), the proofs are meaningless. We verified 4 and 5 in Isabelle/HOL, but there is no mechanically-checked link between the Ivy axioms and the Isabelle/HOL theory. Thus there is still the possibility that of a typo.

TODO: It should be possible to use Ivy to check that the axioms have a model, which would rule out any inconsistency.

Abstracting slices away may see like a bold step. However, the model still preserves the most challenging algorithmic aspect of implementing consensus in a federated Byzantine agreement system, i.e. the fact that the notion of quorum is different for each participant. What is not captured by the model includes the fact that quorums are discovered dynamically (nodes know all their quorums upfront in the model) and that quorums might change during execution as nodes adjust their slices (quorums are fixed upfront in the model).

Execution model

There is no notion of real-time in the model. Instead, messages are delivered at non-deterministically and an armed timer can fire non-deterministically at any point. Thus we cannot make any statements about the amount of time that it takes to make certain things happen.

However, in practice, liveness depends on having synchronized clocks and a network delay commensurate with timer values. For the liveness proofs, since we cannot talk about real time, we instead make assumptions using Linear-Time Temporal Logic (LTL). For example, we assume that every message sent from an intact node to an intact node is eventually delivered. Moreover, for a full liveness proof, we would need to assume that there exists a ballot b after which the system becomes synchronous (i.e.every message sent by an intact node to an intact node is received in the same ballot) and no non-intact nodes take any steps.


Finally, the model does not specify the nomination protocol. Instead, we assume that nomination can produce arbitrary values, which is a sound over-approximation.


We prove that intertwined nodes never disagree by providing a collection of invariants which, together with the safety property to prove, form an inductive invariant (i.e. they hold in the initial state and are preserved by every action).

The key invariants are:

  1. A well-behaved node does not accept (b,v) as committed unless it confirmed (b,v) as prepared.
  2. A well-behaved node does not accept contradictory statements (where commit (b,v) and prepare (b',v') are contradictory when b < b' and v ≠ v'.
  3. If an intertwined node confirms a statement, then there is a quorum of an intertwined node whose well-behaved members accepted that statement.
  4. A well-behaved node does not accept different values as prepared in the same ballot.

Given those invariants, suppose that v and v' are confirmed committed in ballots n and n', with n < n'. By Invariant 1 and Invariant 3, there is a quorum Q of an intertwined node whose well-behaved members all accepted (n',v') as prepared. Thus, by Invariant 2, no well-behaved member of Q ever accepts (n,v) as committed. Thus, by Invariant 3 and Quorum Intersection, no intertwined node confirmed (n,v) as committed, which is a contradiction.

Using the auxiliary conjectures present in the safety isolate in SCP-safety.ivy, Ivy reaches the same conclusion automatically and successfully validates that the safety property holds.


We would like to prove that SCP guarantees that, under eventual synchrony, every intact node eventually confirms a value as committed. Unfortunately, this does not hold, and SCP guarantees the following, weaker liveness property: if the system is eventually synchronous and non-intact nodes eventually stop taking steps, then every intact node eventually confirms a value as committed.

More precisely, let us now sketch a proof that, after two consecutive synchronous ballots that are long enough, every intact node confirms a value as committed.

This liveness property follows from the following two sub-properties:

  • L1: by the end of a long-enough synchronous ballot in which non-intact nodes do not take steps, every intact node agrees on the highest confirmed-prepared value.
  • L2: if a quorum unanimously votes to prepare a value v during a long-enough synchronous ballot, then every intact node confirms v as committed by the end of the ballot.

Now why do L1 and L2 imply the liveness property? Note that, if intact nodes agree that the highest confirmed-prepared value is v, then they all vote for v. Thus, once ballots become synchronous and Byzantine nodes stop taking step, properties L1 and L2 together imply that all intact nodes decide.

Let us know informally argue why properties L1 and L2 hold. In each cases, the main obstacle to liveness is the fact that nodes do not accept contradictory values, and this could block progress. In both cases, we rule out progress being blocked in this way using additional invariants proved in the isolate protocol.additional_safety.

To see why property L1 holds, assume that an intact node has confirmed (b,v) prepared during a long-enough synchronous ballot. Then, as we prove in inv2 in isolate protocol.additional_safety, no contradictory statement is ever accepted by intact nodes. Thus, other intact nodes are never prevented from accepting (b,v) as prepared, and the Cascade Theorem ensures that, given enough communication, every intact node confirms (b,v) as prepared. Thus, if ballot b is long enough, evey intact node confirms (b,v) as prepared by the end of the ballot.

To see why property L2 holds, assume that every intact node votes to prepare the same value v during a long-enough synchronous ballot b. Then, as we prove in inv1 in isolate protocol.additional_safety, no contradictory statement is ever accepted by intact nodes. Thus, given enough communication, nothing prevents value v from being accepted prepared, then confirmed prepared, then accepted committed, and finally confirmed committed by all intact nodes. Thus, if ballot b is long enough, every intact node confirms (b,v) as committed by the end of the ballot.

What liveness properties are proved in Ivy?

An old version of this repository (commit 803b345) contains a full liveness proof. However, this old proof is written in Ivy 1.6 and contains many hacks. The current repository uses Ivy 1.7 and contains cleaner liveness proofs. However, we have so far only ported the proof of the following statement: if an intact node confirms (b,v) as prepared, then eventually all intact nodes confirm (b,v) as prepared. This implies property L1.

Liveness in practice

Unfortunately, Byzantine nodes can always interfere right before the end of a ballot and cause disagreement on what is confirmed prepared among intact nodes and make L1 fail. More precisely, a Byzantine node can always withhold an "accept prepare" message right until the end of a ballot (either because it is faulty or because it has bad timing) and complete a quorum just before the ballot ends, and thereby cause some intact nodes to confirm the corresponding value as prepared while others do not.

In practice, to ensure that all intact nodes vote to prepare the same value in the next ballot, intact nodes must adjust their slices to make sure that no faulty or otherwise untimely node remain in any of their quorums.