Inside this repository, there are different Simulink Models based on Eigen3 to accelerate Simulink models by using vector extensions form the processor;
e.g. for matrix multiplication. These s-functions can also be used with Simulink Coder; e.g. to accelearte huge matrix multiplication by using AVX2, FMA, AVX, SSE3, ... on a x86 platform running e.g. with RTAI.
The following different s-functions are available:
s-function for matrix multiplication with Eigen3 (just compile the s-function with mex and run Simulink model, see header)
s-function for state-space continuous computation with Eigen3 (just compile the s-function with mex and run Simulink model, see header)
s-function for state-space discrete computation with Eigen3 (just compile the s-function with mex and run Simulink model, see header)
s-function for calculating based on slopes of an SHWFS the Zernike coefficients till order 28 with Eigen3 (compile the s-function with mex and run the workspace_tbSlopeToZernike.m script)