Download or clone source from this repository: ''
Import in Eclipse each directory under 'Service-Oriented/guidApp_backend/' as existing project:
- accountmanager
- attractionmanager
- balanceagent
- eventmanager
- loadbalancer
- prosumer
- researchmanager
- routingrequests
Make sure that all sources generated by Maven are available. If not, run 'Maven Update' command on each project to auto-generate them.
Make sure that EACH project has Maven dependencies enabled. If not, add them manually doing: right click on project root -> properties -> deployment assembly -> add -> java build path entries -> maven dependencies.
Create a Database named 'guidApp' on MySQL (port 3306, user = root, password = root)
Make sure to import dump.sql file in MySQL to populate the Database.
Deploy projects on servers in the following way:
- On Tomcat 8.5.3 istance (port 8080) deploy 'prosumer' & 'loadBalancer' services.
- On Tomcat 8.5.3 istances (port 8100, port 8110 & port 8120) deploy 'accountManager', 'researchManager', 'eventManager', 'attractionManager' & 'balanceAgent' services.
Run servers in the following order:
- Tomcat 8.5.3 port 8100, port 8110, port 8120.
- Tomcat 8.5.3 port 8080.
NOTE: run first each server with providers (port 8100, 8110, 8120) and only after that run the server with the prosumer and the loadBalancer (port 8080).
Run 'routingrequest' as Java Application (on port 8090).
Use the mobile application (or use Postman to execute REST calls, or SoapUI to execute Soap calls).
- run "mvn clean install" under /archetype/prosumerArchetype
- run in a empy folder the following command: "mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=it.univaq.disim.sose.newprovider -DartifactId=archetypetest -DarchetypeArtifactId=guidApp_archetype -DarchetypeVersion=1.0.0-SNAPSHOT -DarchetypeGroupId=it.univaq.disim.sose.touristicguide -DinteractiveMode=false -DarchetypeCatalog=local -DdbName=projectName -DartifactIdClass=ArchetypeTest -X"