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A functionally oriented interface for calling Julia from R


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This R-package provides a functionally oriented interface between R and Julia. The goal is to call functions from Julia packages directly as R functions. Julia functions imported via the JuliaConnectoR can accept and return R variables. It is also possible to pass R functions as arguments in place of Julia functions, which allows callbacks from Julia to R.

From a technical perspective, R data structures are serialized with an optimized custom streaming format, sent to a (local) Julia TCP server, and translated to Julia data structures by Julia. The results of function calls are likewise translated back to R. Complex Julia structures can either be used by reference via proxy objects in R or fully translated to R data structures.

More details about the package together with a comparison with competing solutions can be found in the article:

Lenz, S., Hackenberg, M., & Binder, H. (2022). The JuliaConnectoR: a functionally oriented interface for integrating Julia in R. Journal of Statistical Software, 101(6), 1–24.


The package can be installed in R (version ≥ 3.2) via CRAN:


Or the development version can be installed with:


The package requires that Julia (version ≥ 1.0) is installed. If Julia is installed with Juliaup, it should be discovered successfully. Otherwise, make sure your Julia installation is on the system PATH or set the JULIA_BINDIR system variable. More information on that can be found in the latest documentation.


The following table lists the most important functions exported by the package:

Function name Description
juliaImport Load a Julia package in Julia via import and return its functions and data types as an environment, such that the functions can be called directly in R
juliaFun Create an R function that wraps a Julia function
juliaCall Call any Julia function by name. Not needed for functions attached via juliaImport or created via juliaFun.
juliaEval Evaluate a simple Julia expression (and return the result)
juliaLet Evaluate Julia expressions with R variables in place of Julia variables employing a let block (and return the result)
juliaGet Fully translate a Julia object to an R object
juliaExpr Use a Julia expressions or refer to a Julia object via a string in R

For a detailed description of the functions with some examples, and for more details about the translation of data structures, please see the latest documentation.


Using Flux

With the JuliaConnectoR it is possible to use, e. g., the Flux Julia package for training a neural network on the famous iris data set.

You can see that the translation from Julia to R code is rather straightforward:

Below we see example code for training a neural network for classification on the famous iris data set in Julia and its translation in R. Both the Julia version of the script and the R version are two complete runnable examples, showing all important steps in training a neural network.

Julia script: Data preparation
using Pkg
Pkg.add(PackageSpec(name = "RDatasets", version = "0.7"))
Pkg.add(PackageSpec(name = "Flux", version = "0.14"))

# Import packages and set a seed
import Flux
using Random

# Load data and split it into training and test data
function prepare_data(x, labels)
   nsamples = size(x, 2)
   x = Matrix{Float32}(x)
   testidxs = randperm(nsamples)[1:(round(Int, nsamples*0.3))]
   trainidxs = setdiff(1:nsamples, testidxs)
   x_train = x[:, trainidxs]
   x_test = x[:, testidxs]
   y = Flux.onehotbatch(labels, unique(labels))
   y_train = y[:, trainidxs]
   y_test = y[:, testidxs]
   (training = (x = x_train, y = y_train),
         test = (x = x_test, y = y_test))

using RDatasets
import Tables
iris = dataset("datasets", "iris")
x = Tables.matrix(iris[:, 1:4])'
data = prepare_data(x, iris[:, :Species])
trainingdata =
testdata = data.test
Julia script: model training and evaluation
# Load necessary features
import Flux
using Statistics

# Train the Flux model
model = Flux.Chain(
      Flux.Dense(4, 4, Flux.relu),
      Flux.Dense(4, 4, Flux.relu),
      Flux.Dense(4, 3),

loss(model, x, y) = Flux.crossentropy(model(x), y)
loss(model, data::NamedTuple) = loss(model, data.x, data.y)

function train_network!(model, x, y; epochs, callback)
   opt = Flux.setup(Flux.Adam(), model);
   for i in 1:epochs
      Flux.train!(loss, model, [(x, y)], opt)

epochs = 2500
train_losses = Vector{Float32}(undef, epochs);
test_losses = Vector{Float32}(undef, epochs);
train_network!(model, trainingdata.x, trainingdata.y, epochs = epochs,
      callback = (i) -> begin
         train_losses[i] = loss(model, trainingdata)
         test_losses[i] = loss(model, testdata)

# (Could plot losses here)

# Evaluate model
accuracy(model, data) =
      mean(Flux.onecold(model(data.x)) .== Flux.onecold(data.y))
accuracy(model, trainingdata)
accuracy(model, testdata)
Adapted R/JuliaConnectoR script: data preparation

juliaEval('using Pkg; Pkg.add(PackageSpec(name = "Flux", version = "0.14"))')

# The Julia code can simply be reused
prepare_data <- juliaEval('
      import Flux
      using Random

      function prepare_data(x, labels)
         nsamples = size(x, 2)
         x = Matrix{Float32}(x)
         testidxs = randperm(nsamples)[1:(round(Int, nsamples*0.3))]
         trainidxs = setdiff(1:nsamples, testidxs)
         x_train = x[:, trainidxs]
         x_test = x[:, testidxs]
         y = Flux.onehotbatch(labels, unique(labels))
         y_train = y[:, trainidxs]
         y_test = y[:, testidxs]
         (training = (x = x_train, y = y_train),
               test = (x = x_test, y = y_test))

x <- as.matrix(iris[, 1:4])
labels <- iris[, "Species"]
data <- prepare_data(t(x), labels)
trainingdata <- data$training
testdata <- data$test
Adapter R/JuliaConnectoR script: model training and evaluation

# load Flux features available in R
Flux <- juliaImport("Flux")

juliaEval("using Statistics") # for Julia code only

juliaEval("import Random; Random.seed!(11);")
model <- Flux$Chain(
      Flux$Dense(4L, 4L, Flux$relu),
      Flux$Dense(4L, 4L, Flux$relu),
      Flux$Dense(4L, 3L),

loss <- juliaEval('loss(model, x, y) = Flux.crossentropy(model(x), y)
                  loss(model, data::NamedTuple) = loss(model, data.x, data.y)')

train_network <- juliaEval('
   function train_network!(model, x, y; epochs, callback)
      opt = Flux.setup(Flux.Adam(), model);
      for i in 1:epochs
         Flux.train!(loss, model, [(x, y)], opt)

plotLoss <- function(epoch, loss_train, loss_test, epochs) {
   if (epoch == 1) {
      ymax <- max(loss_train, loss_test)
      plot(x = c(1, 1), y = c(loss_train, loss_test),
           xlim = c(0, epochs), ylim = c(0, ymax*1.1),
           col = c("red", "blue"), xlab = "Epoch", ylab = "Loss")
      legend("topright", legend = c("Training data", "Test data"),
             col = c("red", "blue"), pch = 1)
   } else {
      points(x = c(epoch, epoch), y = c(loss_train, loss_test),
             col = c("red", "blue"))

epochs <- 2500
train_losses <- rep(0, epochs)
test_losses <- rep(0, epochs)
train_network(model, trainingdata$x, trainingdata$y, epochs = epochs,
      callback = function(i) {
         train_losses[i] <<- loss(model, trainingdata)
         test_losses[i] <<- loss(model, testdata)
         plotLoss(i, train_losses[i], test_losses[i], epochs)

accuracy <- juliaEval("accuracy(model, data) =
      mean(Flux.onecold(model(data.x)) .== Flux.onecold(data.y))")
accuracy(model, trainingdata)
accuracy(model, testdata)

Using the callback makes it possible to plot the training curve during the training. This example runs so fast that it is not really possible to watch the training progress. In our case it would be better to optimize the training function to accumulate the losses in Julia and plot them in the end of the training. However, the example demonstrates the principle of how callback functions can be used to watch the progress during the training.

Using BoltzmannMachines in R

The following example code shows how the JuliaConnectoR can be used with the Julia package BoltzmannMachines in R.


# Test BoltzmannMachines package
# If not installed, install the current version via
# juliaEval('using Pkg; Pkg.add("BoltzmannMachines"))')

# Set a random seed in Julia
juliaEval("using Random; Random.seed!(5);")

BM <- juliaImport("BoltzmannMachines")

# a test data set from the BoltzmannMachines-package, just to have some data
x <- BM$barsandstripes(100L, 4L)

# Train DBMs with
dbm <- BM$fitdbm(x, epochs = 40L, learningrate = 0.05,
                 nhiddens = c(4L,3L))
dbm2 <- BM$fitdbm(x, epochs = 10L,
                  pretraining = list(BM$TrainLayer(nhidden = 4L),
                                     BM$TrainLayer(nhidden = 3L)))

# Use a trained model to generate samples
BM$samples(dbm, 10L)

# Evaluate the model: Likelihood estimation ...
BM$loglikelihood(dbm2, x)
#  ... or exact calculation (possible for such a small model)
BM$exactloglikelihood(dbm2, x)

# RBM-fitting with simple monitoring, e. g. just print the progress in R
rbm <- BM$fitrbm(x, epochs = 20L,
                 monitoring = function(rbm, epoch) {print(epoch)})

# Now real monitoring with callback functions
# (Abusing environments for call-by-reference value collection)
monitor <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
monitor$loglik <- c()
rbm <- BM$fitrbm(x, epochs = 100L,
                 monitoring = function(rbm, epoch) {
                    monitor$loglik <- c(monitor$loglik, BM$loglikelihood(rbm, x))
plot(1:100, monitor$loglik, "l")


# A complex dbm example with layerwise monitoring
monitor <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
dbm <- BM$fitdbm(x, epochs = 60L,
                 learningrate = 0.05,
                 learningratepretraining = 0.01,
                 pretraining = list(
                       BM$TrainLayer(nhidden = 4L, epochs = 70L,
                              monitoring = function(rbm, epoch) {
                                 monitor$layer1 <- c(monitor$layer1,
                                                     BM$reconstructionerror(rbm, x))
                        BM$TrainLayer(nhidden = 3L, epochs = 50L,
                              monitoring = function(rbm, epoch) {
                                 monitor$layer2 <- c(monitor$layer2,
                                                     BM$reconstructionerror(rbm, x))
               monitoring = function(dbm, epoch) {
                  monitor$logproblowerbound <- c(monitor$logproblowerbound,
                                                 BM$exactloglikelihood(dbm, x))
plot(1:70, monitor$layer1, "l")
plot(1:50, monitor$layer2, "l")
plot(1:60, monitor$logproblowerbound, "l")

# First approach for Gibbs-Sampling, allows access to hidden nodes
particles <- BM$initparticles(dbm2, 20L)
particles <- BM$`gibbssample!`(particles, dbm2, 100L)

# Second approach for Gibbs sampling: All-in-one, returning only visible nodes
BM$samples(dbm, 5L)

# Conditional Gibbs sampling
BM$samples(dbm, 5L, conditions = juliaEval("[1 => 1.0, 2 => 0.0]"))

# A Gaussian-BernoulliRBM
rbm <- BM$fitrbm(data.matrix(iris[, 1:4]), rbmtype = BM$GaussianBernoulliRBM)
BM$samples(rbm, 10L)

For more abstract examples, see the tests.