🤖 Agentic Data Collection is a LangChain.js and LangGraph.js based open-source project that runs an iterative process of collecting information from a user, through a chat interface.
- Supabase: Interacts with Supabase to store the messages as well as to fill in the.
- TS: Do I need to explain what this is for lol.
- Initial setup
git clone github.com/startino/collection-graph
pnpm i
pnpm build
node dist/index.js
pnpm build
node dist/index.js
- Commands to execute for new runs
pnpm build
node dist/index.js
- Interview chat bot
- On boarding a user
- implement a better way to run the app
- provide sql file for the db
- Add more use-cases
This project welcomes contributions and suggestions.
If you're passionate about Generative AI Development and would like to get paid while developing, feel free to reach out. We're constantly looking for innovators and passionate developers.