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Add example of new synatx cairo contract
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amanusk authored and PhilippeR26 committed Jul 11, 2023
1 parent 7e6e136 commit 2cb2848
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316 changes: 316 additions & 0 deletions __mocks__/cairo/helloCairo2/hello.cairo
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@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
use array::ArrayTrait;
use array::SpanTrait;
use option::OptionTrait;
use traits::TryInto;
use serde::Serde;

// bet part
use starknet::ContractAddress;
use starknet::get_caller_address;
use starknet::StorageAccess;
use starknet::storage_access;
use starknet::StorageBaseAddress;
use starknet::SyscallResult;
use starknet::storage_read_syscall;
use starknet::storage_write_syscall;
use starknet::storage_address_from_base_and_offset;
use starknet::storage_base_address_from_felt252;

use traits::Into;
use starknet::storage_access::StorageAddressSerde;
use box::BoxTrait;
// end bet part

#[derive(Copy, Drop, Serde)]
struct Foo {
val: felt252

// Complex Structs
#[derive(Copy, Drop, Serde, storage_access::StorageAccess)]
struct UserData {
address: ContractAddress,
is_claimed: bool,

#[derive(Copy, Drop, Serde, storage_access::StorageAccess)]
struct Bet {
name: felt252,
description: felt252,
expire_date: u64,
creation_time: u64,
creator: ContractAddress,
is_cancelled: bool,
is_voted: bool,
bettor: UserData,
counter_bettor: UserData,
winner: bool,
pool: u256,
amount: u256,

trait IHelloStarknet<TContractState> {
// Felt252 test.
fn increase_balance(ref self: TContractState, amount: felt252);
fn get_balance(self: @TContractState) -> felt252;
// Bool Test
fn set_status(ref self: TContractState, new_status: bool);
fn get_status(self: @TContractState) -> bool;

// ContractAddress
fn set_ca(ref self: TContractState, address: ContractAddress);
fn get_ca(self: @TContractState) -> ContractAddress;

// u8 Test.
fn increase_balance_u8(ref self: TContractState, amount: u8);
fn get_balance_u8(self: @TContractState) -> u8;

fn test_u16(self: @TContractState, p1: u16) -> u16;
fn test_u32(self: @TContractState, p1: u32) -> u32;
fn test_u64(self: @TContractState, p1: u64) -> u64;

fn test_u128(self: @TContractState, p1: u128) -> u128;
fn test_u256(self: @TContractState, p1: u256) -> u256;

// echo Array
fn echo_array(self: @TContractState, data: Array<u8>) -> Array<u8>;
fn echo_array_u256(self: @TContractState, data: Array<u256>) -> Array<u256>;
fn echo_array_bool(self: @TContractState, data: Array<bool>) -> Array<bool>;
// unamed Tuple
fn echo_un_tuple(self: @TContractState, a: (felt252, u16)) -> (felt252, u16);
// echo Struct
fn echo_struct(self: @TContractState, tt: Foo) -> Foo;
fn set_bet(ref self: TContractState);

fn get_bet(self: @TContractState, test: felt252) -> Bet;
fn set_user1(ref self: TContractState, user: UserData);
fn get_user1(self: @TContractState) -> UserData;
// this method is required so that ABI have UserData definition in structs
fn get_user(self: @TContractState) -> UserData;
// Nested Array 2d
fn array2d_ex(ref self: TContractState, test: Array<Array<felt252>>) -> felt252;
fn array2d_array(self: @TContractState, test: Array<Array<felt252>>) -> Array<Array<felt252>>;

fn array2d_felt(self: @TContractState, test: Array<Array<felt252>>) -> felt252;
// req tuple(array) ret tuple(array)
fn tuple_echo(
self: @TContractState, a: (core::array::Array::<felt252>, core::array::Array::<felt252>)
) -> (core::array::Array::<felt252>, core::array::Array::<felt252>);

// mix req (array,bool) ret tuple(array,bool)
fn array_bool_tuple(
self: @TContractState, a: core::array::Array::<felt252>, b: bool
) -> (core::array::Array::<felt252>, bool);

// used for changes to redeclare contract
fn array2ddd_felt(self: @TContractState, testdd: Array<Array<felt252>>) -> felt252;

mod HelloStarknet {
// libs
use array::ArrayTrait;
use array::SpanTrait;
use option::OptionTrait;
use traits::TryInto;
use serde::Serde;
use clone::Clone;

// bet part
use starknet::ContractAddress;
use starknet::get_caller_address;
use starknet::StorageAccess;
use starknet::storage_access;
use starknet::StorageBaseAddress;
use starknet::SyscallResult;
use starknet::storage_read_syscall;
use starknet::storage_write_syscall;
use starknet::storage_address_from_base_and_offset;
use starknet::storage_base_address_from_felt252;

use traits::Into;
use starknet::storage_access::StorageAddressSerde;
use box::BoxTrait;

use super::Bet;
use super::UserData;
use super::Foo;

struct Storage {
balance: felt252,
balance_u8: u8,
status: bool,
ca: ContractAddress,
testbet: Bet,
user: UserData,
user1: UserData,

impl IHelloStarknetImpl of super::IHelloStarknet<ContractState> {
// Felt252 test.
fn increase_balance(ref self: ContractState, amount: felt252) {
self.balance.write( + amount);

fn get_balance(self: @ContractState) -> felt252 {

// Bool Test
fn set_status(ref self: ContractState, new_status: bool) {

fn get_status(self: @ContractState) -> bool {

// ContractAddress
fn set_ca(ref self: ContractState, address: ContractAddress) {;

fn get_ca(self: @ContractState) -> ContractAddress {

// u8 Test.
fn increase_balance_u8(ref self: ContractState, amount: u8) {
self.balance_u8.write( + amount);

fn get_balance_u8(self: @ContractState) -> u8 {

fn test_u16(self: @ContractState, p1: u16) -> u16 {
p1 + 1_u16

fn test_u32(self: @ContractState, p1: u32) -> u32 {
p1 + 1_u32

fn test_u64(self: @ContractState, p1: u64) -> u64 {
p1 + 1_u64

fn test_u128(self: @ContractState, p1: u128) -> u128 {
p1 + 1_u128

fn test_u256(self: @ContractState, p1: u256) -> u256 {
let to_add = u256 { low: 1_u128, high: 0_u128 };
p1 + to_add

// echo Array
fn echo_array(self: @ContractState, data: Array<u8>) -> Array<u8> {

fn echo_array_u256(self: @ContractState, data: Array<u256>) -> Array<u256> {

fn echo_array_bool(self: @ContractState, data: Array<bool>) -> Array<bool> {

// unamed Tuple
fn echo_un_tuple(self: @ContractState, a: (felt252, u16)) -> (felt252, u16) {

// echo Struct
fn echo_struct(self: @ContractState, tt: Foo) -> Foo {

fn set_bet(ref self: ContractState) {
let sender = get_caller_address();
let user = UserData { address: sender, is_claimed: false };
Bet {
name: 'test',
description: 'dec',
expire_date: 1_u64,
creation_time: 1_u64,
creator: sender,
is_cancelled: false,
is_voted: false,
bettor: user,
counter_bettor: user,
winner: false,
pool: u256 {
low: 10_u128, high: 0_u128
}, amount: u256 {
low: 1000_u128, high: 0_u128

fn get_bet(self: @ContractState, test: felt252) -> Bet {

fn set_user1(ref self: ContractState, user: UserData) {

fn get_user1(self: @ContractState) -> UserData {

// this method is required so that ABI have UserData definition in structs
fn get_user(self: @ContractState) -> UserData {

// Nested Array 2d
fn array2d_ex(ref self: ContractState, test: Array<Array<felt252>>) -> felt252 {
return *(;

fn array2d_array(
self: @ContractState, test: Array<Array<felt252>>
) -> Array<Array<felt252>> {
return test;

fn array2d_felt(self: @ContractState, test: Array<Array<felt252>>) -> felt252 {
return *(;

// req tuple(array) ret tuple(array)
fn tuple_echo(
self: @ContractState, a: (core::array::Array::<felt252>, core::array::Array::<felt252>)
) -> (core::array::Array::<felt252>, core::array::Array::<felt252>) {

// mix req (array,bool) ret tuple(array,bool)
fn array_bool_tuple(
self: @ContractState, a: core::array::Array::<felt252>, b: bool
) -> (core::array::Array::<felt252>, bool) {
let mut a = a.clone();
(a, b)

// used for changes to redeclare contract
fn array2ddd_felt(self: @ContractState, testdd: Array<Array<felt252>>) -> felt252 {
return *(;

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