This is a course that was held in my university. We were divided into 3 people teams and we had to make an app using Qt.
Overall I am pleased with what turned out from the project given that all non prototyping was done in 3 days. The mainwindow class is horribly made with a huge amount of redundancy. I am aware of that, but there was no time to refactor what already was written by my teammates.
In case someone want's to build it, just import the project in a QT creator and you can build it. Like always there is a catch - the save / load won't work since there is default path hardcoded in the source code. It is a bad practice but it will have to do. In order for the save to work you need to edit the path which is passed in the constructor of the mainwindow class.
If there are any questions feel free to open a bug and I will do my best to answer it.