conda create -n ogb python=3.7
conda activate ogb
# Install PyTorch
pip install torch
# Install PyTorch Geometric
# Install the rest of the dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
All experiments are listed in
. You can run all the experiments sequentially with:
Note that that files contains all the arguments that define an experiment. The experiment results are stored in results/
as pickle files. Also we're using W&B so if you're logged in the experiment will be streamed to W&B.
For example you can run GMN with DeeperGCN, FLAG, and APPNP using the following:
from models import GraphMemoryNetwork
exp = GraphMemoryNetwork(**{
"dropout": 0.5,
"num_layers": 7,
"emb_dim": 300,
"epochs": 100,
"lr": 1e-3,
"device": 0,
"batch_size": 32,
"num_workers": 0,
"num_heads": 5,
"hidden_dim": 256,
"num_keys": [32, 1],
"mem_hidden_dim": 16,
"variant": "gmn",
"lr_decay_patience": 10,
"kl_period": 5,
"early_stop_patience": 50,
"use_deeper": True,
"block": "res+",
"conv_encode_edge": True,
"add_virtual_node": True,
"conv": "gen",
"gcn_aggr": "softmax",
"t": 1.0,
"learn_t": True,
"p": 1.0,
"learn_p": False,
"y": 0.0,
"learn_y": False,
"msg_norm": False,
"learn_msg_scale": False,
"norm": "batch",
"mlp_layers": 1,
"use_appnp": True,
"flag": True,
"step_size": 1e-3,
"m": 3,
"k": 10,
"alpha": 0.1,
"debug": False,
see the class docstring for a description of these parameters.
Code is borrowed from or heavily inspired by: