Here is a peek at my project on the application of Machine Learning algorithms to the field of business and sales.
Let's dive in🚀
📌 Determined natural groups of Chipotle stores in the US (K-Means clustering, Silhouette and Elbow optimization)
📌 Developed a subroutine for modern, clear and understandable cluster visualization (ConvexHull, Spline Interpolation of boundaries)
📌 Found stores that are under or overperforming the neighboors (Ouliers detection algorithm and its optimization studies)
Programming Language: Python 🐍
Environment: Google Colab
Libraries: Scikit-Learn, Plotly, Matplotlib
Contributions are always welcome! Just hit me via the email or LinkedIn mentined above.
This is an interesting framework to look for under or over performace in business sales. Enjoy!✌